Restringing Pearls in NJ?


New Member
Aug 26, 2009
Does anyone know of a reputable place to restring a pearl necklace in Northern New Jersey? I have had a strand damaged in the past by an incompetent jeweler so I am leery of who to send these to.

Or is there a place that is reputable that I can mail them into?

any suggestions welcome. TIA! has helped restringing my pearl necklaces in the past. You might want to give them a call. You won't be disappointed.

I tried a local jeweler here in Scottsdale AZ once and I had to have them restrung my Kasumi necklace twice!! I'm still not happy with it.
Last edited: has helped restringing my pearl necklaces in the past. You might want to give them a call. You won't be disappointed.

I tried a local jeweler here in Scottsdale AZ once and I had to have them restrung my Kasumi necklace twice!! I'm still not happy with it.

Thanks! I decided to send them into Pearl Paradise since I wasn't sure where to take them around here and didn't want to be disappointed.