REQUEST APPRAISAL from Catherine in Phoenix


New Member
Sep 16, 2013
pearls 005.jpgHello,

I was referred to come to this site to receive a valid appraisal on my pearl necklace.
I inherited the necklace from my Mother.


White pearl choker necklace with centrally silver overtones, approx 13-13.5 inches in length.
Pearls are very round but vary in size between 4mm and 4.5 mm.pearls 002.jpg
High luster
DRill holes are very small and appear perfect and tight with only room for string.
There are knots at each end of the necklace holding pearls in.
Clasp is an oval shaped white gold with a filigree-type appearance. (Repair needed)
There is a density/weight to the pearls.
Est. circa 1945-1960s.

Any information you can provide is appreciated.

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That is a pretty good description, but we really need to see photos to make any guesses.

Try taking some on a white paper towel, which is not too reflective and should show the color well. Take pix in indirect or northern light to get the best idea of the color nuances. Try to get closeup because we need to see the actual pearls Both the whole strand and one or two with close ups of the pearls.
I'd still like to see a photo on a white paper towel. Check your camera for a macro setting (little flower). :)
Also be aware that we cannot give you an appraisal as such on this forum :) We can help you figure out what you've got and tell you a bit about what something similar could sell for at eBay. This would not have anything to do with an insurance appraisel.

An idea for this necklace if you or the one who might wear it thinks the pearls are too small is to make it into a double stranded bracelet.

- Karin
pearls 011.jpgpearls 015.jpg

As I mentioned in my initial request post, this pearl necklace was purchased for and worn by my Mother; she was a very petite Woman.
I see why a white paper towel as a back drop was needed. Hopefully these pictures will provide a more legitimate assessment.

Thank you again for taking the time and your assistance.

Wow. Now you are getting some good color! Sorry to bug you, but how about a few more photos to really assess the subtle variation in the shapes? I can't tell if there is distortion in that last photo, so several more would help. I still think it is probably akoya, but would like to try to rule out natural pearls by seeing more closeups along the length. That likelihood is quite low, due to the time frame, but not impossible.
Wow, what a difference! Great pics! Yes, they could be akoya cultured pearls. Very pretty. :)
I just feel the need to add that our "wow" is because we can now see how lovely the petite strand is - not a "wow" in regards to value. Caitlin's eBay link in post #4 is still valid.

- Karin
But I think the eBay necklace in post #4 might be freshwater. That seller lists everything as akoya.
Right. Also, re that eBay listing, if you read all of the description the clasp is gold plated, not 14k, So your clasp alone has rough value of $25, were you to purchase it.

We refer people to eBay listings because the evaluation of pearls is influenced by many factors. Is the evaluation for insurance purposes (replacement value), resale, just plain information? EBay gives you an idea of about what buyers are actually willing to pay for previously owned pearls, and what styles they want.

You wrote an excellent description, and they're very pretty but the small size of the pearls and length of the necklace limit the resale probabilities. You'll also find that depending upon where you are, the cost of restringing the pearls/reattaching the clasp is likely to be at least $25. Restringing, knotting between each pearl, will give you a bit more length if you decide to keep them.
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