They are ugly. Who would buy these?
Swede is what a root vegetable is called here.... I assure you I did not mean people from Sweden!
The tax thing has been voted at the FP assembly earlier this month. The tax will be suspended until Jan 2010.Post just received from a pearl farmer in French Polynesia.
Il faut que tu saches que le gouvernement va enlever la taxe de 200fr sur le gramme.
The tax may be going bye-bye... I would wait for the official word before ordering discount pearls, however. It does not really jive with the current situation and these could just be rumors floating around the South Pacific.
I see you on the board! What is the news behind the news?
The decision has eventually been taken: the tax is finally suspended until end of 2008.A l'Assembl?e de la Polyn?sie fran?aise, les d?bats ont repris l? o? les repr?sentants les avaient laiss? la veille, ? savoir la suspension ou non du dispositif DSPE pour les perles. Chaque camp est rest? sur sa position d?j? d?fendue lors de l'?tude du collectif budg?taire. Finalement, la taxe sera suspendue du 1er octobre au 31 d?cembre 2008 malgr? l'opposition de certains perliculteurs.
Not the case. Additional funding has been given to the GIE to compensate for the suspension of the DPSE. someone know if GIE is dissolved as well as GIE offices all around the world ?
Without disclosing any numbers, how is it compared to previous years?The CPAA represents PDT in the US and has been given a proposed 2009 budget.
Without disclosing any numbers, how is it compared to previous years?