Recieved diploma from GIA in Graduate Pearls!

You guys are really cracking me up! ..class of 90---good grief! (Note to self: do not drink coffee while reading this post!) Pattye, there was no pearl stringing/ knotting instruction as part of the hands-on lab when I attended. I actually expected it, but it wasn't part of the course. In fact, I would have really appreciated a detailed chapter on jewelry manufacturing/construction with pearls. Toward the end there was some discussion with respect to design with different types of jewelry. Also, BTW, my lab instructor mentioned that GIA may include pearl instruction as part of their gemologist program, but I haven't heard any updates.
In the early 90's Pearl and Bead Stringing was a stand alone class, at least for the distance education. Part of the course was on "GASP" VHS tapes lol. Counter Sketching was also a stand alone class. They also offered a class in Fine Jewelry Sales, where they taught aspects of display, lighting etc…in addition to gemstone lore, metal lore, design aspects, with a focus on selling techniques.

SunSeeker- My introduction to GIA was through a Little Jewelry store in Fair Oaks Mall :-)

You guys are really cracking me up! ..class of 90---good grief! (Note to self: do not drink coffee while reading this post!) Pattye, there was no pearl stringing/ knotting instruction as part of the hands-on lab when I attended. I actually expected it, but it wasn't part of the course. In fact, I would have really appreciated a detailed chapter on jewelry manufacturing/construction with pearls. Toward the end there was some discussion with respect to design with different types of jewelry. Also, BTW, my lab instructor mentioned that GIA may include pearl instruction as part of their gemologist program, but I haven't heard any updates.
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The Mall I speak of is in Northern Virginia ( I lived all of my childhood and early young adulthood in VA)

BPDDC, Fair Oaks, as in Sacramento area or the City? I'm glad there is a renewed interest in stringing and knotting. I'd think it would be a popular course if available.
I must've known something LOL.
I think the founders and sponsors of Pearl-guide could be influential enough to start their own pearl education and certification course :-) and it would hold merit/esteem industry wide.
I like that it is an adabtable course, that flexibility will allow for concurrent consumption of new content as it comes about. I still can't believe it was only a year in the making. It really kept my attention and I actually wanted to keep going forward. Very well done, congrats to you all!
Pattye- I keep coming across these tapes. This time while digging through my gemology book box purging duplicate books and I thought of our old conversation here. I was tempted to pop them in my converter to play for nostalgia :) (Maybe this weekend)

Congratulations, I’m taking the same course in London, UK early next year, a pearl friend with vast experience has earned me that I may feel like I learn nothing new apart from the lab day, I already hold the CPAA diploma and apparently that’s more detailed than the GIA pearl diploma. The lab day sounds so exciting!
Did they ever redo the stringing video? I remember taking the GIA Pearls course and the Stringing and Knotting course years ago. The instructor was using tweezers, if I remember right.
Well I already expressed my opinion on the old GIA pearl course, so I won't rehash that.
The CPAA class was very interesting, even non pearl people have commented on it or expressed interest in taking it.
But the stringing course was discontinued ages ago, and yes in the video tweezers were used along with early 80's hair styles.
(Pattye- I did watch them again, it was painful LOL)
Well I already expressed my opinion on the old GIA pearl course, so I won't rehash that.
The CPAA class was very interesting, even non pearl people have commented on it or expressed interest in taking it.
But the stringing course was discontinued ages ago, and yes in the video tweezers were used along with early 80's hair styles.
(Pattye- I did watch them again, it was painful LOL)

I want to see it just for the hair styles.