Really Nice Large Red Abalone Pearl


New Member
Nov 13, 2015

This is my first time posting here. So bear with me. I pulled a really nice red abalone pearl out of an abalone that I caught last April off of the northern California coast and now I?m getting around to thinking about selling it. So my question is: does anyone here know of any good places/venues to sell a large red abalone pearl? The Pearl is around 110ct to 115ct (so it?s pretty big in the realm of abalone pearls) and is a little over two inches long on the longest side. From the research that I?ve done they seem to be worth quite a bit but I can?t seem to find any comparable one that are for sale. Any information that you can give me would be helpful. Also please let me know if you have any questions for me. Thanks.

P.S. attached is a photo of the pearl.

Best Regards,



  • Ab Pearl.jpg
    Ab Pearl.jpg
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Lovely nacre. Does it feel like it might be hollow? Try contacting member JNorris who is a natural pearl dealer. :)
Hi Lippy, welcome to P-G.

You have found a tremendous pearl, congratulations!

Red Abalone (Haliotis rufescens) are the largest of the genus, ranging from British Columbia to Baja, California.

The most desirable of all abalone pearls are the classic horns which fetch market premiums. Other round or baroque shapes fetch well too, but the demand is moderate.

I'd like to see more images from different views, but your pearl presents as a "perforation" otherwise known a tear or stress in the mantle. This is easyly seen in the image, where the brownish line (periostracum) encircles the greater part of the piece. Most often the inverse surface is quite brown as well. Unless the piece has a shape or appearance suitable for fashioning into something, I'm afraid they're the least desired.

This piece has some rarity by virtue of it's size, hence some value is added.

We're wary of valuation at P-G in a general sense, especially because it's hard to put a figure on your experience. Some folks here would renounce their citizenship to find a natural pearl, no less a monster like this. Likewise, we'd be reluctant to over-value something so it would never move.

We can help you arrive at a decision though. As a rule of thumb, every thing that merits or demerits a natural pearl, doubles or halves the value.

Let's say for example, a horn or a round fetches 1000 USD. A baroque of equal size and color would fetch 500 and a perforation, 250.

In almost every case, we'll suggest a finder retain the pearl as a keepsake.

It's a wonderful piece, a great find and I thank you for sharing with us.
Cool pearl, I can see it bezel in yellow gold for a pendant. What a lucky find congrats!