Questions about rope pearls


New Member
May 14, 2014
Hi, firstly, thank you for all the wonderful information on here!!!!

I am deciding on rope pearls. I know I will go with freshwaters. My freshadamas arrived and they are lovely. But for rope pearls (at least 50 inches), what grading would you all recommend? Is AAA nice enough? Will AAA freshwater pearls have sufficient luster, orient, and roundness for a rope? Or should I do a special order with freshadamas? And is the size 7.5-8 substantial for a rope necklace? I tried to find pictures of someone wearing a rope (50-54 inches) with that size but was unsuccessful. I am petite (5'1'' and 108 lbs.). Thank you for your help!!!
I agree with GemGeek. Ropes get a lot of pearl-on-pearl contact and that can easily lead to scratches. I'd hate to subject freshadamas and especially akoyas to that kind of stress.
You might find the 7.5-8 mm at 50" a bit too heavy for your petite frame. I had ordered a 36" rope of that mm and found it too uncomfortable for my petite frame. I absolutely adore my 36" strand of 5.5-6mm Akoya AAA's and would love to have another strand added to it to make it longer! I have both AAA freshies and freshadama pearls from PP and both are magnificent, I don't think you could go wrong either way! Good luck deciding and please post pictures when you choose!
Oh thank you for all your replies. I just requested a 52 inch rope in AAA 7.5-8 mm with 7 mm ball clasp from PP. I can't wait to receive them. I didn't want to go smaller in diameter bc my 16 inch freshadamas are 8.5-9 mm. I love the feel and weight of pearls on my neck.