question re:Mikimoto


New Member
Aug 9, 2008
It seems to me that many ladies hold Mikimoto as the be all and end all of pearls. Aren't they just a name brand, like Coach or Tiffany? I know that Mikimoto the man developed the culturing process, but as far as Mikimotos categorically being the "best of the best", they're not necessarily, right? I just always hear (or read) ladies saying "ooh, I want a strand of Mikimotos" or being so proud that they have a strand. Am I wrong i thinkng they can probably get a strand of pearls that are just as nice (and in some cases nicer) for a lot less $$$?
Hi hkdiaz,
I think you're not at all wrong - just my opinion, but it seems to me that the brand name is more important than the pearls in these cases....
When buying Mikimotos you?re just paying for the brand.

Saying "Ohh I want a strand of Mikomotos" are like saying "Ohh, I want a Chanel bag"

It?s all about the brand.

Their highest quality is just as good as hanadama, but they cost a lot more.
I don't like buying anything "desiger" or pay a huge premium for branded items when it comes to clothes, accessories and jewellery, with the exception for watches, and am not one to change my wardrobe every season.

"Value for money" and "Cost per wear" are far more important to me than the brand or designer, IMHO.

Why by Tiffany jewellery pieces or Mikimoto pearls, when there are so many non-branded and cheaper alternatives about???!!!

DK :)
okay, thanks for validating my thinking! I thought maybe I was weird for having no desire to pay that much for a name!
okay, thanks for validating my thinking! I thought maybe I was weird for having no desire to pay that much for a name!

Not weird, just sensible ;)

You could probably fly over and pick them out yourself for the difference in price.