Question for beaders!

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Hi there,

I have a few extra drilled pearls leftover from previous purchases (Tahitian & GSS baroques, FW), and I'm thinking of having a couple of them 'strung' on a fine gold chain. Would this damage the pearls, since they'd be sort of knocking against eachother on the chain?

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Eventually yes they would because they are going to be knocking about and rubbibg against each other they wear with time... as anything else wears.... with time...

Just my 2 cents
Yep that's what I thought....figured that anyway but just wanted to make sure. Guess I'll need to think about rondells then!
Knotting between each pearl is still the best, But do what you like... IMO I only have Beading Quality FWP and a little better.. so they get used harder thatn if I were to have a Freshdama or other Good Quality Pearl
You could put three pearls on wire. I assume you're speaking of a design such as a tin cup necklace. You could put a CFWP on the wire, then the more expensive pearl, then another CFWP. They would cushion your expensive pearls from abrasion.
If you are talking about three in a row on the necklace like

then no your pearls will still Knock each other and rub against each other on the wire
Okay all sorry hit sent too soon It' been a Mnday

This is the diagram I am thinking of


cool effect I woudl sttill look into some kind of littl space though
