question about drilling


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
I hope I have this question in the right place. I am curious about drilling. When a pearl is drilled, is it a standard size hole? Can you drill a pearl for a pendant, and then string it later to become a strand? Also, do vendors typically charge to drill a loose pearl? Thanks!

eta: I would be looking at the 8-9mm size most likely, if that makes a difference in hole sizes
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There really is no absolute standard.

We drill akoya and freshwater pearls for necklaces that are of average size at .6 mm, standard stud earrings at .8 mm, and pendants and fancy earrings (Tahitians, South Sea, etc.) at .9 mm. We Tahitian and South Sea strands from .7 mm to 1.0 mm depending on the size. We have drill bits that range from .5 mm up to 2.2 mm. We use them all for different pieces.

If a pearl has been drilled for a pendant or earring setting it can be used for a necklace, but that is not recommended. The pearl will likely have a slightly larger hole than the others in the strand and may not wit well on the knot.

I don't think there is a standard price for drilling pearls, but I imagine most would not charge more than a dollar or so if a lot of pearls are to be drilled. Most of the time we do not even charge people for a couple of pearls because it really only takes a few minutes.
That is good information, thanks! So, let me see if I can expand a little. After my recent ebay return, I am looking for a new idea. I am considering a freshwater strand, but I am also in love with Tahitians. Obviously there is a huge price difference, so I would need to start off small. I have heard of people buying pearls individually to build up to a strand. Is there any way to wear these in the meantime?
I suggest you get a pendant to satisfy the urge for a Tahitian pearl, while you save the money to purchase a strand. To purchase pearls one at a time would be unbelievably cost prohibitive. Buying a whole strand will give you a large price break and guarantees matching - a whole other headache with buying individual pearls. Good luck.;)
I agree with Blaire. It is very difficult to collect pearls to eventually make a strand. The strand would not match in color, and probably would not match in size. It is definitely better to get an entire strand when you are ready.
And then you can have the pendant mounted on an enhancer.
Thanks for the input. Now, I read on another thread that the glue that holds pearls to posts can this true of pendants? I think I would die if I looked down and saw my Tahitian gone! :eek:
I think I am just going to give Santa these ideas and see what he brings me ;)

Also, threadjacking my own any of you know if the tarnish-free lining in some jewelry boxes can harm pearls? I am full of questions!
Pendants are safer than rings, regarding coming free from the post. Rings get bumped more. And, because they project from the ear, stud pearl earrings can get worked off the post by holding the telephone between your ear and shoulder. That's why I like dangle earrings for pearls.

Rings that have metal coming up the sides of the pearl are much safer than rings that have the pearl perched on top of the ring. I hope this makes sense.;)
hole sizes are various.
We got 0.8mm ones, 1.0mm ones, and we even got 2mm holes(this is not for small size pearls,but as big as 9-10mm or up and big size MOPs)