Queen Purple Pearls - Naturally found in Fiji


New Member
Sep 29, 2013
Purple Natural COlour Pearl found in Freshwater Mussels in Rewa, Fiji. This find is the first in Fiji's history. The Pearl is called the Purple Queen Pearl for it colour and beautiful shapped size and Luminous. Pictures of the Purple Queen is attached for perusal.
Queen Purple Pearls of Fiji .1.jpg

Please check it out, is the first in Fiji.
Queen Purple Pearls of Fiji.jpg

This is a better look at this beautiful unique gem.

Cost a fortune to have one of this in you hands.
Why do you think it would cost a fortune? Did someone give you that advice? Can you get a sharper photo? Finding a natural pearl is like finding treasure, but monetary value must be inspired in a buyer. So far, it's hard to tell how beautiful it is because it is hard to see. I very much want to see the lovely pearl you are talking about. Do you have a macro setting on your camera? It looks like a little flower. :)
Thanks for the comments GemGeek, I have downloaded an better picture for your perusal. Well according to the Ministry of Fisheries in Fiji that this find is a first in Fiji to involve Freshwater Mussel Pearls. The only pearl cultivated is done in Fiji is Saltwater Pearls in Savusavu by J. Hunter Pearls.

Anyway the pearl size is about 7mm and purple in colour.

Meaning it would cost a fortunate is that it would cost a reasonable large sum of money to purchase it since its a first for Fiji and to be extracted naturally by accident and not cultivated.

However this shows that Freshwater Pearls can be cultivated in Fiji in the near Future.

Thanks for trying again. Take a look at the shots -- unfortunately, they are very blurry showing no detail at all. Can you take some sharp pictures so we can see the pearl better? If you are using a cell phone, does it have a focus feature?
Hey, it's better in your hand. At least I can get a better idea of the color. Very nice! Keep trying - maybe a friend can help take a closer photo for you. :)

Saltwater pearl farming is more practical for beautiful Fiji. Why compete with China when you have the best in saltwater pearls? Also, farming freshwater pearls takes up a lot of room, so isn't always feasible.
If some pearls came out that color, maybe it would work. That shell actually looks like a quahog?! But the pearl is a really pretty color. Is that the shell it was found in? It doesn't seem to match? More pix, please; that is some color! We need to know more all around.
Thanks for the comments, well its a fresh water mussel but that's not the actual shell because the actual shell is a little bigger. I don't think we have quahog mussel's in this side of the world but they could be cousin's.

This find is a first for Fiji and making it one of the most rare's find. Will try to get a better picture of the actual shell but the inside colour of the shell is also purple like the pearl.

Several interested buyers are coming forward but the owners are also selling it at the rare's price.