quahog pearls found in Nova Scotia, Canada


New Member
Sep 5, 2012
hello, sorry for the bad pics, these were found in nova scotia canada. Wondering if they may be worth anything? both were found in the same quahog and they were connected the small one was on the white end of the large one. thanks


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you know we get a lot of posts from people who find Quahog pearls but ultimately I don't think they are actually worth much, money wise that is. Its still a very cool find and could always have them made into a ring or other piece of jewelry.
They are a great find and will always make a wonderful story.

Those pearls are brittle, they can't be drilled and even though some are put in rings, they don't stand up to very much wear. one good knock and they are gone. They sell little jewelry cages for stones. One of those might be best. Here is a google image link to some cages

I just found this one on eBay. I think it is adorable. A little lobster trap! 30.00 free postage but it ends 9 hours after the time stamp for this post.
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Thanks for the input, I was wondering about value because of other online sites and from ebay. I saw one on ebay for 7000, (white color) and after reading a bit it said the purple ones were more rare of a find and could be worth something, which lead me to this site. It is amazing that I have stumbled across these pearls. Of all the years i have never, or anyone else around me has never came across one. It would make a beautiful piece of jewelry for my wife if nothing else, as stated above. If anyone else has any input on value, i would love to hear. Just want to be sure, not trying to be rude to the posters above, would just like to have more opinions. thanks so much
Who else even posts on Quahog pearls, but me- and Jeremy? Unless a new person is an expert, and comments, the rest of the comments you get will more or less agree with us. I am the resident quahog pearl expert and have followed the market for 8 years since the find of a Victorian pin in a thrift store of a brooch with two of the largest quahog pearls ever found. That never got its asking price either, even though it was spectacular.

So far people try to sell their pearls at prices other people do not want to pay. The proof of that is they go unsold. Put that eBay one on your watch list- and watch it not sell. It has been on mine off and on for years. There is another one, a perfect round up for $400 and it doesn't sell, either. Here is a huge one a perfect button pearl, 10mm! Set in a ring. $5 grand and it has also been up for sale for years. I mean it, years!

Your pearls have fantastic color, but are poorly shaped. If you sold them for say, 200 dollars- if you could get it- You could never replace them. Ever. Put them in the little cage and wear them that way and keep them for their story value, which is higher than any price you could get.

And you will never get another chance at a little silver lobster cage -let alone for $30.00! The two pearls in a wearable cage would sell for $100-$500 maybe more, but if you want to sell, do an auction with a reserve of $99.00 or so. Just to see what you might get for it. I think the pearls in the cage would sell much faster, too.
i didnt realize you two were in that profession and had as many posts as you do on here before i posted. thanks so much for you time and letting me know. I would never let these go for 200 as you stated they are worth much more in story value and the fact i will never see another. thanks again
I would like to tell you what I did with the Quahog of mines.
First of all I wanted to have a Quahog on day, because I am collecting fine rare pearls and I have a small collection. I surely overpaid for my quahog and thus was a bit disappointed when I reveived it, there is no flame on it such as conches or melo or a clam.
Anyway after a short period of time, I started to consider it differently, the quahog has a nice mauve to lavender color and drop shape with a flat bottom (very close to yours) .
I began receiving compliments on this nice little one, including high end jewellery designers. So in a way ii "adopted" it a second time. It was time to think of a setting.
Caitlin is 100 % right advising a setting it a cage, but at the time I did not know ...
I had an open ring turning over the finger made in white gold with a small loop to hang the Quahog from, and the pearl lies gently between 2 fingers ... and I like it !
This I am telling story about so that you do not underate your finding, Enjoy !


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10.5mm quahog

10.5mm quahog

I get that some of these pearls are not of much value because of their size, shape or color. But I have a 10.5mm nearly perfectly round, deep lavender quahog I found in 1991. I have been to every appraiser, jeweler in my area and of them, only ONE even knew what it was. I find it hard to believe that a beautiful item of this quality would be of no value. As the value gone up any since this post? purple pearl 2.jpgpurple pearl 2.jpgView attachment 453671374129847654.jpgpurple pearl 3.jpg

Who else even posts on Quahog pearls, but me- and Jeremy? Unless a new person is an expert, and comments, the rest of the comments you get will more or less agree with us. I am the resident quahog pearl expert and have followed the market for 8 years since the find of a Victorian pin in a thrift store of a brooch with two of the largest quahog pearls ever found. That never got its asking price either, even though it was spectacular.

So far people try to sell their pearls at prices other people do not want to pay. The proof of that is they go unsold. Put that eBay one on your watch list- and watch it not sell. It has been on mine off and on for years. There is another one, a perfect round up for $400 and it doesn't sell, either. Here is a huge one a perfect button pearl, 10mm! Set in a ring. $5 grand and it has also been up for sale for years. I mean it, years!

Your pearls have fantastic color, but are poorly shaped. If you sold them for say, 200 dollars- if you could get it- You could never replace them. Ever. Put them in the little cage and wear them that way and keep them for their story value, which is higher than any price you could get.

And you will never get another chance at a little silver lobster cage -let alone for $30.00! The two pearls in a wearable cage would sell for $100-$500 maybe more, but if you want to sell, do an auction with a reserve of $99.00 or so. Just to see what you might get for it. I think the pearls in the cage would sell much faster, too.
1374129847654.jpgpurple pearl 3.jpgpurple pearl 2.jpg
Now that is a quahog pearl of great beauty, color and shape!

While there is no market value for quahog pearls, I would feel comfortable putting a price on it that people would be used to paying for top quality cultured pearls . What I am suggesting is that even though it does not have a market price on its own, a price that reflects that it is a natural pearl of beauty color and shape seems to make sense to me.

I would set that one in a claw type holder, maybe 6 prongs. Mr Takei designed a fantastic ring for Jeremy with that style which Jeremy used for my "purloined pearl". Pearl Paradise uses that setting now, so that is the one I'd choose.

10.5 is large for any cultured pearl- let alone natural. Color and shape are excellent. I would look up some top quality singleton pearls, South Sea and Akoya and price yours within that range. Yours is small for SS and large for an akoya. You would want top dollar for that one or just keep it- it is too perfect to let go for a song.
Great Caitlin, now your turn to show us your pearl !
Some of the quahog pearl prices out there are truly laughable. Caitlin is right in that they've sat on the market for years. I've got 2 perfect quahog buttons: 8mm (lavender) and 5mm (dark purple) and I purchased both for less than $200. There's no way I'd ever pay more. I think setting yours in a cage is a wonderful idea, but personally I'd go with gold over silver.
I've long admired that one too, Juliebeth! But the price tag, hello. I think the setting is gorgeous though. I did notice that pearl had a surface(?) crack in it.

Kris, Caitlin's advice is solid. I'd certainly spend $100 on your pearl, maybe even $150.
Kris, your pearl is worth more than $100, but finding the buyer is the problem. That is why you might consider trying to sell it to a natural pearl dealer who has the contacts with collectors.
For that purple 10.5, I'd spend a lot more than $150.00 -maybe $500- because I KNOW how rare one of that color and size is, but the seller can NEVER get its real value. This is the second best Quahog pearl I have seen- since that original Victorian one than maybe never sold. I would proudly wear this one -and that is the only quahog pearl I have ever thought that about in the past 11 years!

Maybe try selling it at Kari's pearls. Her stuff is really high priced, but it often sells after a long while. But best yet, put it in a simple safe setting and wear it or gift it.