Pulling out my hair over GIMP!


New Member
Sep 8, 2007

Okay, first I went through the searching for karat gimp. It doesn't exist. I admitted defeat and agreed to use vermeil or gold plate with my 14K gold findings.

I just knotted the most beautiful strand of pearls and the ding dang gimp wires have ever so slightly separated where the clasp loop is hitting. I cut about 1/4 inch piece and was extremely careful in the threading of the silk and making the little loop. Now, with the slightest handling of the necklace, the gold wires are parting.

This is giving me a gargantuous headache and leading me to the kitchen for chocolate. Is there some secret supplier of heavier gimp that I don't know about? I was using the medium and I just ordered some heavy from fire mountain. I hate having to restring but I'm just not happy with these results. Help!! :confused:
Don't use plated. What size jump ring are you knotting to? Tell me about your thread. Pictures would help.
I'm using vermeil from fire mountain. It's paired with Size D or E (forget) silk and the loop is the tiny little loop on a 14K single strand clasp...the kind that comes with the clasp. I'll see about doing some pics. Should I have ordered the heavy instead of medium?
Okay...I'm not going to be able to take that close of a picture. The gimp I'm using is 1.2 vermiel. I'm wondering if the loop on the clasp were thicker, it would help? The loop is just what came on the clasp...and they are quite tiny.

This is so frustrating...:( It was the prettiest knotting job I've ever done and now the silly thing is going to have to be redone.

Knotty, why do you say to not use gold-plate? Do you use medium or heavy? (Thank you for your help here....I was about in tears when I saw the outcome! )
I use vermeil. No problem. I don't use Champion but from what I recall, D or E is similar to my buttonhole twist. If your clasp has a normal jump ring on the end, 26 or 24 ga., 1/4" of gimp should be plenty. The medium, heavy, gimp description, I think, refers to the size of coil. You shouldn't need heavy. The only other thing I can think of is, are you using a flush cutter on the gimp? If there's a bit of a barb on the end, sometimes that might cause it to disintegrate. Is the gimp that's failing you from Fire Mountain or is it that Beadsmith crap? Work gingerly with it. Don't try to force it to slide down the thread. Lift it from the box like it's a butterfly and put it back in just as delicately. When I cut it, I sort of eyeball the length because the way it wants to lie on my bead board ruler, is the way I keep it. I guess I coax it into position rather forcing it. Sorry I can't be of more help. Sounds like you're doing all the right things.
Sorry, I think we are both writing at the same time. Plated tends to break down. Personally, I prefer the smaller jump rings. No, I don't like the bigger rings. You're using 1/4" of gimp. I generally use 1/8". I wouldn't know why a larger amount would cause such tremendous grief. Gimp is so inexpensive, I have a couple of boxes of silver and I think just one of vermeil. Keep different sizes around for kicks and giggles.

Ok, just thinking here. Could it possibly be your thread? You gimp one end, knot the strand, then gimp and backknot. Right? If you aren't allowing your thread to relax and untwist after you finish knotting the strand, when you corner around the jump ring to begin to do your backknots, the gimp will be influenced (for lack of a better word) by the kinks in the thread.

Without seeing it, it's really hard to guess.
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Hi Danachit (and Knotty),
Is the clasp a ball clasp by any chance ?
I ask because I've noticed that these often don't come with an extra ring attached - you have to string directly through the hole in the clasp end itself.
And these are holes in very thin metal which works it's way into the gimp and parts it.
Hope all this makes sense...
If this is the case here, I'd suggest PearlParadise clasps - they appear to have an extra bolt ring at each side of the clasp.
I hope you're right Sueki. I was thinking a standard fish hook.
Thanks! I'm doing as you say, treating it like a precious little delicate thing...careful with the cutting, careful with the sliding....singing Amazing Grace while working with it and EVERYTHING! :D

Your theory about the end of the strand twisting is interesting. I'm going to redo this strand and pay special attention to that aspect.

Also, has anyone tried the gimp from Fire Mountain that is listed as fancy spiral and zigzag? I'm wondering if it would do better than the plain straight curls. Of course, it isn't in vermiel...only GP and SP.

Knotty...do you think Jeremy is using vermiel on his hanadamas? It still is so weird to not be using all 14 karat! :rolleyes:
This is just a guess on my part. Since the experts kind of leave us knotting folks alone to let us work out our own problems, my guess is they use plated base metal. Just my guess. I really don't know. You can always buy a strand and test it :).
This has been very interesting. The only thing I can think of is that the gimp is too long. You want to use just enough to make a tiny round loop. If you use more, it makes an oval that tends to "fold" at the end, thus separating the coils. I hope this helps. I'm pretty new at the gimp myself. ;)

I use the goldfilled frame wire from Just for Fun - since you're in Atlanta, you can easily get some. I don't know the actual diameter, but it's very small. I find that it doesn't separate because it "hugs" the silk tighter. Maybe that'll help!
sleight said:

I use the goldfilled frame wire from Just for Fun - since you're in Atlanta, you can easily get some. I don't know the actual diameter, but it's very small. I find that it doesn't separate because it "hugs" the silk tighter. Maybe that'll help!

Frame wire? As in wire for frames? I haven't heard of Just for Fun....is it a beading store? Now I'm curious as to how you ended up using frame wire for a jewelry finding! :D
1. What the heck is frame wire?
2. I haven't seen the zig-zag, fancy gimp used in an other fashion other than a spacer. The plated thing turned me off so I've never tried it.
3. Blaire, you may have something there. I still don't have a clear vision of the clasp. What's the gauge wire on the jump ring on a standard fish hook? But, yeah, if I have to chain maille a ring onto a clasp, I cut it bigger because my open rings are 22 ga.
4. If the gimp fits on the first end fine, then I have to believe the thread is twisting during the knotting and it needs to be relaxed before the strand is finished.

I sure do wish you shoot some pics!
knotty panda said:
I sure do wish you shoot some pics!

Hi Knotty,
I sure do wish you would shoot some pics too!

600 posts and less than ten pictures illustrating your instructions! I hope you get a camera for XMAS!
Frame wire? As in wire for frames? I haven't heard of Just for Fun....is it a beading store? Now I'm curious as to how you ended up using frame wire for a jewelry finding!

Frame wire is just French wire - I just wrote what they have on the package so that if you were to ask for it, they'd know what you were talking about. Just for Fun carries tools, equipment, supplies, wire - no beads though. They have a great staff and are really patient with all of my ignorant questions. They're on Buford Hwy.
Frame wire! How funny! Do you think it would do double duty and hang my new picture on the wall too!? :D

I want to take pics too. How do yall get such close ups?? I have a good camera but apparently don't know how to get that close of a shot. I'm all ears for any advice....otherwords, I'll have to wait until next Wednesday when baby girl college student photographer extraordinaire comes home!
Does macro do anything for you? If not, wait for BGCSPE. Why don't they call the store "Everything But Beads"?
LOL! I was wondering where you were at! You're hiding! What's up with this gimp job? Time for your input.

Ok, Caitlin ... put it back cuz now no one will know what I'm talking about!
knotty panda said:
LOL! I was wondering where you were at! You're hiding! What's up with this gimp job? Time for your input.

Ok, Caitlin ... put it back cuz now no one will know what I'm talking about!

So what's Knotty Panda talking about? :rolleyes: