Production Company looking for Pearl Hunters


New Member
Apr 29, 2013
Hey there!

We are Powderhouse Productions - a Boston based production company that makes innovative TV for Animal Planet, Discovery channel, National Geographic and many more.

We have been reading a lot about pearl farming and diving and are obsessed. We want to explore the option of making a TV show about a group of pearl divers.

Do you guys know anyone who is amazing, BIG characters? Anyone who we HAVE to get in touch with? Please email me at:

Or respond on this thread.

Over the years, I've spoken to quite a few different production companies interested in making similar shows. I know Josh (a pearl farmer that posts here) has too, but nothing has ever come of it. In part it's because the focus is always on the pearl divers. The problem is that pearls are now farmed and 'pearl divers' today, are simply people that work on a pearl farm. They don't dive for pearls.

The art of pearl diving all but died a full century ago.
Hmm - farming doesn't seem quite as exciting as people searching for them in the wild. I wonder if there are any "last crusader" types who are doing it the old fashioned way...
I am sure you'll find a few that dive for pearls to support themselves. It definitely happens in Mexico, for example. But you won't find anything commercial. Pearl farming is what killed the pearl diving industry. Why pull up more than a thousand shells to find one decent pearl when you can farm 1000 shells and get a pearl from nearly all of them?
Get a hold of Tom Stern, a member here. He gets a lot of pearls from around Sulu that people bring to him. He kind of goes on expeditions. He loves publicity for both his do-gooding and his adventures ie gold and pearls and is well connected in his own circles, but does not cross over into regular pearl channels anymore.

We have a thread he started. Click on his name to contact him.
Please let us know what you think.

Also a great video could be made on "the Pearl of AllaH", a story full of cons and holes and exposes, but no one has made a video yet. I co-wrote a paper on it which is listed here on P-G's home page. the pearl is ugly, but there is a real murder -and a fake story of death connected to it. I mean it is an ugly pearl, but it is a great story and hasn't been in the news for a few years. If you are looking for sensation, look no further!
There are like American guides who will take visitors pearl diving in the Persian Gulf from Bahrain. That is more of an adventure, like bungee jumping or something, not too well known a sport at this point.

A few years ago I googled pearl diving in Bahrain to get info about the olden days and a couple of modern day guides popped up.If they are still in business.....

Also UAE, Dubai do annual pearl roundups in which they get into traditional garb and boats and go pearl hunting, and sing the old chants, etc. cook/sleep on board, etc.then they all compare what they found for prizes. They try to do everything very authentically, so you could look at how they used to pearl dive. This one might be your best bet, but I don't know how to contact it. I have posted a couple of articles about previous years, but your best bet is to Google that one.

Please let us know if you get anywhere. And/or if you get stuck in your search. I think you need a really tight focus on what you want to do before you set out. Having said that I wish you luck and hope you do report your findings.
Thanks Caitlin! I'll look into this stuff today. Ill let you know what I find.

Thanks again guys, you've been very helpful. I really appreciate it!
OK OK ya found me. What's the job pay and is this an academy award opportunity? Who is my costar? I will only work with certain actors. Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and I don't do a lot of multiple takes. I won't work with Lindsey Lohan or Adam Sandler. I am a serious actor and I don't work with amateurs. Who is the director? I want my own make up person and my own trailer. I will also need a stunt double. Get a hold of Josh Humbert for that. You can PM me or contact my agent but let’s not play around here. I am an actor!
OK OK ya found me. What's the job pay and is this an academy award opportunity? Who is my costar? I will only work with certain actors. Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and I don't do a lot of multiple takes. I won't work with Lindsey Lohan or Adam Sandler. I am a serious actor and I don't work with amateurs. Who is the director? I want my own make up person and my own trailer. I will also need a stunt double. Get a hold of Josh Humbert for that. You can PM me or contact my agent but let’s not play around here. I am an actor!

You're certainly in fine form this morning, Mikeyy!
Mikeyy has the BIG personality they are looking for. Also he was a shell diver for decades and found bow coo numbers of natural pearls. But he was/is a river diver after freshwater pearls...not a sea water personality.

You power-pearl production guys, I am dying of curiosity!!!!! Please report back!!!!!!!