Private Offer List


Pearl Paradise
Jun 22, 2004
We talked a bit about a "private offer list" in the last month. For those of you who would like to be on it, send me an email. Be sure to include your Pearl-Guide handle as well. I am only going to add established members. Don't become a member just to get on the list, please. I really want to keep the list under 200.

Send your "handle" to:

Your "handle" is your user name!
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I signed and hope to be accepted.
This is so exciting!!!
I can't wait to see what will happen.

I have quite a list growing. I am not responding to any of the emails, yet. So please do not think I am ignoring you. There are just too many, so I am letting them pile up...
I'm with the rest ;) I'm betting this'll be quite a list!
I am sure you do have quite the list going. You tend to have quite good offers to this list.

I sent mine yesterday as well. hope I make the cut.

good luck with it!

I just sent my humble request in! I hope I get on "the list" especially if it is what I think it is for.
It's June :)
Just a heads up. I sent an email confirmation out to "The List" today. If anyone was supposed to be on it and did NOT get an email please let me know asap.
My email arrived safe and sound. I can not wait to see the pearls pictured in that email. I hope I can get a strand. Between waiting for them and waiting to see what this month's PP special will be my credit cards are getting twitchy. Now is when the 3 hour time diff between PA and CA is really annoying :D
The private list should receive an email at approximately 10am on (Pacific Time) on Friday morning.
Just a little warning in place of a separate email.
Just as well I'm not working Saturday morning. I'll set my alarm clock so I wake up to it about 3am!
WOw, so 3am here. Maybe Raison and I should give each other a nudge. lol Glad to know someone else will be losing sleep with me!!
Waiting list ????

Waiting list ????

To: Pearls Paradise
From: Mirella Dicancro Moracchini
I moved from Shanghai to Hong Kong over the summer so I was just able to read your email today! I know it might be too late but still if you can consider to put my name for an eventual "waiting list" on your original list, I would still be interested! My pearl guide user name is: Mirella.
I really enjoyed your last article on Chinese Fireball Freshwaters!!!!! I am always looking for these last discoveries as I need to update constantly my pearl seminars notes and it is always a thrill to introduce students to more information about the subject! Thanks! Mirella//
I can't wait! Nice to be in the same time zone but I guess some things are worth getting up in the middle of the night for.

OT: I remember two world cups ago waking up in the middle of the night for the U.S. Mexico game.
To all the NCNs on the list!

Mia returned last week from nearly a week in Zhuji collecting all the exotics she could get her hands on. They just arrived today and they are something else. Unfortunately I really do not believe we will have time between now and the holiday to get them shot and up on the Web site. You can imagine the current chaos in our office now. But they are here... I did not forget about the pearls I promised everyone.