Private Offer List


I hope when you offer the loose pearls there will be some that are undrilled or half drilled. I would love to get some pearls for a pendant. I like the design of the pendant on Tara Bell's business card which was included in one of my previous orders.

I am so excited about the exotics. A big thank you to Mia and you and others at Pearl Paradise! :)



Now that is a harsh time...making a pregnant woman stay up until 3am.. Yikes. You should do one of these specials with us in the East in mind. Don't suppose you could take pity on a mother to be and move it up a couple hours? :D Pretty please? lol

Oh well,at least I don't have any classes until the afternoon that day. :o I have been pretty restrained with my purchases recently, so I feel I can splurge a bit. My husband is off to Kuwait for two weeks, so I can tell him it's my Valentine's present since he won't be here. lol
It's that chickie in Sweden with the quicker clicker finger that I want to beat! Love you Jerin :)

Hi Knotty,
believe me, that was just very good luck on my part. You don?t want to know how I did it..
But I certainly hope to get something nice this time as well..

Hugs to all
Hi - being new to all this - I am on Jeremy's coveted list now - yay! But I don't know how or where the offer becomes open - is it on pp's website, or here, or on our personal email?? If someone could please help, it would be greatly appreciated. I figure it is 5am Sydney time, Wed 6th - luckily we are early risers in my family (not usually quite that early though)!

Thanks for your help,
Hey Nerida-
Welcome to PG! In talking to Jeremy today, he will send out another email tomorrow with the private link to the private page that will only be available to PG members. The email is supposed to go out around 10 a.m. Pacific Time (USA). Click on in the link and it will take you to the exotic specials page where everyone will be buying to their hearts desire. Happy shopping!
Less than an hour to go...

We are putting the finishing touches on this right now and the email with the hidden link will go out at 10 a.m. sharp.

I have been receiving a lot of questions about this so I am going to just address them here.

We are not limiting the ability to order more than a single piece. The idea is for each of you to have the ability to design the piece you want with these pearls. That may mean you want to make a double or triple strand. The pearls start from 5 - 6 mm so a single strand may not be the best thing anyway.

Those of you who took part in the last sale know this well. Some single-item pieces will sell twice. This is because two people may have one piece in their shopping carts at the same time. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this. But confirmation numbers are granted in chronological order so we will be able to see who checked out first. In order to alleviate this problem we have prepared as many multiple combinations as possible. The single item pieces will mainly consist of the strands made from the pearls Doug Fiske and I collected in Weitang - the first exotics.

The last thing! If for some reason you do not receive the email and it is 10:05, just email me ( or jump on instant chat. Some email servers are faster than others, unfortunately.

That is about it! Have fun!
I got the email at exactly 10.05 am PST - boy, these guys are quick. Most of the single strands have already gone. I would've liked one of the extremely golden strands, sigh.

I hope I get this:

At least it's a multiple so I have some hope of getting a sample of most of the colors.
Oh, raisondetre, I ordered the same thing but in the 6-7 mm; I ordered two in the hopes of making a double strand. I sure hope I did it quickly enough! I spent too much time thinking about it probably. I did get a confirm though. I also ordered one of the larger oval strands that just looked so pretty!
I'm exhausted

I'm exhausted

Whew! That was tough shopping.. :-) I'm sweating.. Need to cool down and take a shower.. Just kidding, hope I get what I ordered, if not I'm sure it will go to a good home.

Thanks, that was fun.. better than caffeine in the morning.
At least we get the calendar to drool over what we missed out!
If we got a confirmation email, does that mean we got the item? The one item I bought and got a confrmation email on is now sold out and I'm wondering how (when) I can know that I actually GOT it.

Ugh - I had all sorts of trouble with my stupid hotel connection. I hope to have gotten the 7-8 rounds also.
You have to wait. If you don't get an email within the next couple hours I'd say it's safe to think it's yours.
Wow, a couple of hours...:eek:

am thinking about buying a smaller backup strand...

Thanks for the reply!
Not a bad idea to buy a back-up strand. You can find a use for it I'm sure! :)
I think if you get the actual confirmation email, it's yours. Just don't go only by the confirmation number they give you after check out. You need the email. That was my impression anyway.

I also ordered the 7-8mm rounds..the $225 ones(if there were others). I wanted to get the 8-9mm, but I figured, with the baby coming, I should be more responsible.(This from a woman who is awake at 3:30am) Too bad I won't get them by Valentine's day..well, maybe I will. Depends on Japanese customs.

Yippee...exotics. Maybe I won't miss my husband so much on his trip to Kuwait. He leaves on the 13th...grrr. Hey..does Kuwait sell pearls? lol Good luck everyone.
Looks like the rounds are pretty much sold out now. Oh, I hope I get the ones I ordered.
That was nuts. Quite an experience for my first time. Yikes. I mean, the adrenaline was flowing for sure. Something about competitive shopping, lol, kind of like eBay!! I am hooked. Everything was so gorgeous!! I ordered some smaller strands, can't wait until I am sure they are actually mine! I did get email that a good sign?
If anyone is really worried, you can click on the onlne chat button on PP website. I chatted with Natalie a bit and she added a note to my order number.