PP's 6.5-7mm multicolour freshwater strand

Love the stories! It's extremely dark outside because it's getting ready to rain. I long for a really good cleansing, but when we get rain, most of the time it's very light - just enough to raise the oil residue on the roads and make them slick.

I should be thankful that I don't have to worry about freezing pipes and shoveling snow. I hope everyone is warm and safe. :)
When we redid our house, we put in a hot water tap for the outdoor shower! What a difference that made...but as the saying goes, true Jersey Girls have sand between their toes!

And now that my kids are older (one graduating college, one in college, and one about to go to college) it's wonderful having "beach week" at our house every summer. Any given weekend, we usually have a few visitors...love the Californians who come and discover that the Shore is really great, and not anything like the Turnpike, or MTV. Oh, and the best were my daughter's friends from the UK...they had no idea that you could actually swim on the beaches here! They only ever heard of the Hamptons, Martha's Vineyard, and Florida.
Mirrors our experiences exactly, JerseyGirl :) When those same 5 little babies (only 1 is mine LOL) grew up, we had beach "summer" :) One morning my 90 year old mother-in-law came out for breakfast ... we had a house FULL, young people everywhere... and she said "Know what I realized? I realized every minute all night, people were awake and having a good time ... and I loved it." And yes, Californians are fun at THE SHORE :)

Thanks for your patience, GemGeek ... didn't mean to hijack this thread so far away from pearls!
Hi jack the thread, hi jack the thread! We love it, every story, every memory...
Now, I need to ask because I don't feel I get it - old pearls are like old boyfriends..... They what??? What does it mean?
I think it means your tastes change and when you look back, you're like, "Why did that rice strand (guy) appeal so much decades ago...?"

And with Facebook being fairly (relatively speaking) new -- a lot of us have reconnected with friends from decades ago without having seen them age over the decades. My daughter will see everyone age over time and not notice -- but when we reconnect, it can be quite a shock!
Ok, thanks :-). For some reason my brain just wouldn't complete the sentence by itself. Well, not in any way that made sense.