Portuguese Natural pearls


New Member
Nov 9, 2010
Hello one and all...
My girlfriend has a two string pearl necklace of natural pearls (antique if that makes any difference) appraised at a value of $11,000.00 USD. We are having trouble finding a buyer and would really appreciate information on buyers and collectors of natural pearls. I realize the appraisal is unrealistic due to the soft pearl market, but we are hoping for some sort miracle, lol. I have considerable experience with gold but none with pearls or other semi-precious gems. We have the appraisal and I can forward pics to anyone with info in a few days. Thanks in advance and have a nice day.
Why don't you post some photos here on the forum?
Hello and welcome
When you say the pearls are natural do you mean wild or just not fake?
How do you know these are portuguese pearls?
What are the specifics from the paperwork and who did this and gave the valuation?
sorry to fire questions at you but before anyone can give advice we need to know this stuff
where are you?
Portuguese natural pearls???

I'm with Jeremy on the notion of Portuguese natural pearls. Thinking over pearling history, perhaps the term could apply to pearls taken in the Gulf of Mannar between Ceylon and India after Portuguese conquistadors/colonialists sailed around the Cape of Good Hope into the Indian Ocean. They--followed by the English-- ruled the pearling beds with Inquisitorial cruelty, repatriating many pearls to Portugal itself; but by now pearls from that era would almost certainly have deteriorated to below gem quality. So, back to Jeremy's..."Portuguese Natural Pearls???"

And with Tango Jhaveri..."Post some pictures."

Regards to all,
