someone or something that is detested or abhorred.
Dutch: anathema (het)
French: abomination (f)
German: Greuel (nt)
Italian: anatema
Spanish: algo repugnante u odioso
I had to google it and thought I'd share with the rest as illiterate as me.
I'll take those extremists on though.
What's neat about Tahitian pearls is that the pearl is not the end of the line for the oyster (like for Akoyas). After the first pearl is extracted, the pearl is replaced by a successive nucleus, thus the oyster lives on. I will also explain to them that we do everything imaginable to provide optimum lives for our oysters: keep them at a depth where the levels of oxygen and phytoplacton are tops as well as periodically clean them to keep them free of parasites. The truth is that cultivated Tahitian oysters have the good life compared to their brethren on the sea floor.
Also, pearls are secretions; products from animals (molluscs really) not of them.
I know that some even turn their noses up at honey as it's an "animal product" too. I think we should rejoice though as that just means more pearls and honey for the rest of us.
It's important to point out that some pearl types are farmed in a way that doesn't compromise the wellbeing of the oysters or the environment. Pearls really can be the perfect gem.