My suggestion would be to do it with a lapidary grinding unit--one with a good water-drip/wet-sanding function. It's not a good idea to breath the dust. Also, wear rubber gloves. The shell powder that grinds off of them is absolutely
hell on your hands when it dries--it sucks all the oil out of your skin and can leave it dried out, cracking and bleeding! With shells the size of the P. Margaritafera you will find that an 8 inch wheel unit will work better than a 6 inch. Grind the outside of the shell with about 100 to 150 grit to start, then go to about 220 and then 400 or, even better, 600. Keep a spray bottle full of water at hand because the fine shell particles will clog the grit. Spray the wheels from close up every little bit to clean the grinding or sanding wheels. After the finest grit, you can use a buffing unit with stiched, soft-cotton, buffing wheels. Start with bobbing compound--there's a yellow kind (Goldstar?) that I especially like. After
all the grinding marks are buffed out then proceed to another buff using Fab-u-luster for a final, mirror finish. Never buff or grind with an edge pushing up into the direction the wheel is coming from. It can catch and cause breakage or even injury to you. Also--no loose hair, ties or any other loose fabric attached to your body should get within yards (or at least a distance of twice their length or more) of the wheels!!. People have had their necks broken catching such things in the wheel.
Really--not joking!!! Most of your grinding/polishing will be on the outside of the shells. The insides rarely need much finish work. If you buff the inside use a smaller--about 4 inch or less--buff and rotate the shell rather than try to buff from the top edge. (See warning above.) As a general rule, you are buffing or grinding more safely if you feel the wheel trying to
pull the item
from you rather than pushing it towards you or down. You can generally remove any polish remaining on the shell with a clean, soft cloth or by washing with a good detergent.
Would you happen to have any "extra" or "surplus" shells that you might part with for a reasonable price?