Please recommend pearl glue


New Member
Mar 13, 2012
Hello fellow pearl aficionados!

I'm new to this forum and would like to ask the experts to make a recommendation. I have a pearl pendant and also an earring where the pearl has come loose from the gold. Both pearls have a small hole drilled in them and the pendant bail and the earring stud have a corresponding gold pin that inserts into that hole in the pearl. They are both Tahitian pearls, the carved one in the pendant is around 11mm, and the earring is around 13mm.

Instead of taking them to a jeweler, I feel that I can easily fix this myself if only I had the right glue. Is there a particular kind of glue that I should use, and where might I be able to find it? A specific brand or type would be helpful. Or else is this something best left to the experts? I don't mind paying the jeweler for her services, but I don't like to leave them at the store for any length of time, since I wear my pearls everyday.

Thank you in advance for your help. I enjoy reading all the posts on this pearl forum.

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I agree with Jeremy, a two part epoxy is the right glue here. From any hardware shop.
A couple of tips...make sure you clean off the old glue from all surfaces and you will need only about half as much glue as you think you need, so for this job two pin-heads-worth.
Exactly my question, too! Quick forum search and voila, I knew the answer would be here somewhere. Thanks as always Jeremy and Wendy!
I've changed my recommendation to gel superglue. We had some fails with two part epoxy and switched to gel superglue about a year or so ago. No problems, no fails. No mixing. And the gel superglue has a release liquid too, so you can very easily remove a pearl from a setting if you want. Gel format not liquid because it is very easy to use and control.
I’ve been testing epoxy vs gel superglue. Gel superglue is easier to use, but is it as strong? What is your favorite glue for setting pearls?
I agree, two part epoxy glue is the best. Ordinary cyanoacrylate glues are not good glues, they don't resist to vibrations and often make white aureoles on pearls under moisture, even a long time after gluing. For more safe about final look, it's better to choose transparent epoxy, even it has not so good mechanical strength than the progressive one ( 12 hours for progressive to become hard against only 2 hours for the usual transparent one). Be careful to use quickly your glue if you choise speedy one, as soon as it becomes pasty, that's too late to use it. A last, you must bond simultaneoustly inside the hole of pearls, with a thin needle, and the pins (before that, your pins must be perfectly clean of any greases and old glue, and parts to be glued slightly notched to ensure the grip) Take care to not put too much glue than necessary (so easy to make this mistake!!), in case of burrs, quickly remove them with a smooth brush dipped in acetone.
Edit: don't use epoxy on any copper alloys, copper inhibits epoxy's polymerization.
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We have been using gel superglue all day everyday for some years now. Not had a single fail after thousands of uses. And we don't have to do more than just put the pearl on the cup and peg.
People get how glue works wrong usually. Glue sticks by creating a vacuum not by being hard. Think of two glasses stuck one in the other. The thinnest film is the most successful.
Glue fails when the vacuum fails. That is why the peg is vital. It not only gives a larger surface for the vacuum but it stops the pearl moving on the cup as a result of a jarring which could release the vacuum (like sticking a fine wire between the two stuck glasses which breaks their vacuum)
No, we don't have a specific brand. (just get the same brand release so you can unstick your thumb from your ear if you need to!)
And leave the items in the open to dry for more than the 5 min usual set time as they continue to give off something which covers the item in a fine white powdery film which is easily buffed off but is easily avoidable. Making earrings is the last job before lunch and before we finish
Wendy and Eric, thank you so much for your comments! It's all good information that helps me better understand this process. I've been using both epoxy and gel superglue and am trying to determine which is the most professional product to use. It's my understanding that superglue gel degenerates in water. However, this is not normally a problem with earrings or pendents. Conversely, epoxy is subject to heat, so it's good to be aware of that weakness. Eric, I also use your method of inserting an epoxy-coated pin into the pearl hole to ensure both hole and post are prpoerly covered. I also give the post a little twist to slide the adhesive around in the hole. Good to know about copper alloys.
Use the least amount possible. And if you put the glue on the end of the peg and then wiggle and twist the pearl as you place it, it will ensure that the pin and cup are both properly coated
I've avoided makimg pearl studs because I've been unsure about how to glue them. Do you put glue all around the pin and under the cup? How much glue?
Use as little as possible. About half of what you think is enough. Put a tiny bit on the tip of the peg, place the pearl and wiggle and rotate the pearl down onto the cup and turn it back and forth to spread the glue. Take the pearl off the peg and look at the pearl. If you can see a trace of glue, just a trace, then replace the pearl with a bit more wiggle and rotate. Then leave to set.
Less is always more
Shall I do a video?
I would love to see a video, Wendy, as it was on your recommendation I started using the gel in the first place! :)
Yes, a video would be great! It's always better to watch someone do something than to read about it.
First of all make sure the drill hole is clean and dry .. then I use a file and rough up the pearl pin a bit. This gives the glue some extra surface area. Then I put a drop of Aron Alpha on the end..tip it up for a second then back down and then into the drill hole. Hold firmly for a minute. Then I stand then in a block of wood with little drill holes in it .

I've never had a pearl come loose...and it usually takes me at least an hour of soaking in hot water, microwave in a bowl of water , soaking in glue remover and repeat , also gently pulling with pliers between each action, in order to get the pin to come out.