Please help a novice with pearl-buying decision!

I recently bagged a strand of blue/grey baroque Akoyas from eBay, 34in, 7-7.5mm, for 62.32 USD including postage and packing, and I am happy with the strand. Not sure how it compares with PP's recent specials, however, they are cheap and look good to me! :D

Unfortunately, 34in is bit too short to wear as a double strand for my chunky neck. However, I have some bluey silver grey FW Keishis that are good match for the Akoyas that I can add to the strand to make it longer and more interesting :D

Just need to get some threads in Size C and D :)

DK :)
I recently bagged a strand of blue/grey baroque Akoyas from eBay, 34in, 7-7.5mm, for 62.32 USD including postage and packing, and I am happy with the strand. Not sure how it compares with PP's recent specials, however, they are cheap and look good to me! :D

Unfortunately, 34in is bit too short to wear as a double strand for my chunky neck. However, I have some bluey silver grey FW Keishis that are good match for the Akoyas that I can add to the strand to make it longer and more interesting :D

Just need to get some threads in Size C and D :)

DK :)

Would you post photos of those? I'm seeing more and more of the blue/grey baroques around and I'm wondering if they're better, worse, or perhaps "from" my supplier. This is one of the strands I made with said pearls.

I'm not crazy-- those are not priced to sell. I need to leave them up for a few more days because they're part of a surprise I'm plotting. :cool:

Speaking of thrifty & fun eBay purchases, I bought one of those 8 strand pearl ascots... I anticipate zero lustre, but perhaps they'll look and feel neat under a button-down shirt. :D
I'll try and take a pic this weekend, once I have collected my FW Keishis from another supplier from the Post Office.

The issue with the eBay seller of the blue/grey Akoya strand is that, I suspect they use an automated e-mail response system to reply to eBay related queries, as I am not getting any meaningful answer when I enquired about the thread size used! :rolleyes:

I am just going to get C and D sizes to cover all eventualities :)

DK :)
Just wanted everyone to know that I received my TPO 8mm gemfresh 36-inch strand today and I couldn't be happier!:D The pearls are lovely - I'm surprised they're so heavy! And you're all absolutely right - I think this might be the start of an expensive addiction - now I'd like more pearls! There's that new 8.5 - 9mm gemfresh TPO special this month - here's my big chance to go bigger! (Actually, I'd love to get some untreated silvery-blue Akoyas - the photos you guys were posting were amazing!)

Anyway, I just wanted to thank all of you again for all of your advice and help!