Pink Graduated Strand

They're just lovely, Raison.
Cor ! Imagine all three joined as a rope......:D
Very beautiful, Raisondetre! Congrats! Anyone would be thrilled to wear those!
Very impressive Raisondetre! I really hope you don't mind me saying so, but I can see a very marked difference between the lightest peach/pinks and the whites. Oh, pardon me, it's probably supposed to be that way.

Getting back to Callire... you and the necklace look great together, literally they seem to blend right in to your skin.
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I really hope you don't mind me saying so, but I can see a very marked deference between the lightest peach/pinks and the whites. Oh, pardon me, it's probably supposed to be that way.

I didn't mean to make a graduated strand in the first place anyway, but it popped up because the size and colors were just so different from what I imagined from the pictures I got before I bought them. Usually with the graduated strands sold commercially the vendors have alot more pearls to choose from. I made these from 3 random strands I intended for something else that just happened to graduate in color but not size nicely, and had to get an extra larger lavender strand to make it as I said. I'm definitely not going to get a washed out peach strand just to bridge the difference between the lightest peach and whites. In all likelihood I would probably be unhappy with the color, and I can never be sure of the size because of the rampant downsizing and inconsistency of size with respect to color. I have found peach pearls to be much bigger than lavender ones for the same stated size. Then I'd be unhappy with how eggy they are - the white ones are close to round - so you have the roundish lavenders going to eggish peach, more washed out eggish peach and then roundish whites again. All this really annoys me.

It's more a hobby than anything ... can't justify spending anymore on it than I already have. I don't mind any comments at all, but I thought this particular one would be more applicable to vendors than hobbyists.
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It's a lovely strand, Raison-- and I am not generally fond of the gradations in color. But yours just works somehow.
I think it's a very nice-looking strand. Reading your description of the size and color issues is quite interesting, too. Thank you for sharing this project.

Graduating the colors alone can be quite addicting! I have been playing with Oregon Jasper beads and making a few necklaces like that, no photos as yet.
I meant the variation annoying me, which is why there's a break in the paragraph, not you!
I know I'm getting in here kinda late, but I had to chime in and say congratulatiions on a superb job. You are clearly a natural at matching pearls and making jewelry. Faboo! ;)