

New Member
Nov 19, 2007
I just bought a loose south sea pearl on eBay from DrusyDesigns. I am very excited to receive it. I have been reading everything here I can! I would really like to begin making my own jewelry, and I want to make it into a pendant since it is a baroque shape that will look best hanging IMO. However, the pearl is drilled 1.7mm through. I was thinking that I could use a headpin but all that I can find is much too narrow. Can anyone help point me in the right direction? I am also thinking of getting a book maybe and some starter tools, any recommendations? I have been asking a lot around here, you guys are great!
Increase the gauge of your head pin. Go to your local bead shop and speak with the staff about classes and advice. Most bead shops have decent tools a beginner can use before they invest in their own tools. When you learn where your jewelry making talents lie, then you can begin to invest in the tools unique to that skill. Grow into other areas from there.
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Sadly, we do not have a bead shop where I live. I am actually taking lessons in the spring from a local jeweler, but we are starting off with non-beading stuff (casting a ring I think). Do you think I could find the right size headpin online? Maybe I have been looking in the wrong place.
You can find the right headpin online. The problem is that head pins are measured differently. A thincker headpin actually has a smaller gauge number.

Artbeads is a convenient store. Here is a page of headpins from them.
Without actually seeing the pearl drill hole and the headpin you are using it's difficult to envision what you will need. Your drill hole size indicates you need a rather heavy gauge wire, 14 or so, but don't even go there because you can't wrap it. You can go down to a 16-18 ga, but again, that's a fairly heavy wire which can be wrapped but I don't know how attractive it will be. I'd really encourage you to seek out a well-stocked bead store even if it means taking a side trip some weekend. Try artbeads (I've never bought from them but Caitlin seems to like them) and try From what you're describing, you may be better off looking for a bead holder or drop pin rather than wire. Of course, these are all measurements used in the States. My brain hurts when I try to convert wire gauge with Canadian suppliers. Good luck!
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Caitlin, any idea on what gauge I should look for? 20 seems to be the biggest I can find, will that work? Also, Knotty Panda, this is a silly question I am sure, but what is a drop pin or bead holder? I will start researching to figure out where the closest place is around here.
Yay! I actually came across that yesterday while looking for something I could use, and then couldnt find it again because I didn't know what it was called! Thanks!!!!!
HI Aksim
20 gauge is pretty good sized wire in earring/pendents terms. I am just not sure how to translate 1.7mm into gauge sizes. Since you don't have a bead store to visit (bummer!) would a hardware store carry different weights of wire where you could try them in your pearl? Then the gauge that fits, you order from online.

Of course someone here may already know how to translate one to the other.

If you can buy just one headpin in 2-3 sizes, you could probably determine the size that way too.