Pearls Reflected

Wow, I like it. They are so close to where I live, I will try to get over and see the piece in person. Great idea, and considering the work involved I think it is a very reasonable price! Thanks for sharing!
That's amazing! Definitely not the same old presentation... not that there's anything with the same old presentation either. :D
... considering the work involved I think it is a very reasonable price...

Must admit to pricing out the materials in art jewelry :o ... with a slap on the wrist every time! Except for a few signatures for which the slap comes before the naughty thought ;) This is one of those...
An interesting piece that offers a solution to conceptual challenges I'm encountering to combine pearls and stones (working up the fortitude to start a new thread with these?).

However, as a non-jeweler the nature of the work referenced is escaping me. Just how are the pearls set in the aquamarine, and how are they reflected? Sarah, if you manage to visit the seller could you try to shoot the pendant from a couple of different angles and post?
and considering the work involved I think it is a very reasonable price!

Also, the stone was cut by Munsteiner. Bernd and Tom Munsteiner (father and son) are world renowned master gemstone cutters from Idar Oberstein, Germany. Any stone cut by them is considered to be quite collectible and will always command a high price.

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I'll be the first to admit I don't understand what is going on there, looks more like a computer generated collage then anything else to me(not saying it is though).

$16K does not seem like a bargain to me, but then again I admit I don't understand it.
That makes two of us, the primary doubt being wearability.

I do see some very nice carved gems on Munsteiner's site with a lot more color and pizzazz than this one. Photography?
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That makes two of us, the primary doubt being wearability.

Would you elaborate? Not sure what you mean because rectangular pendants are so common. :confused:

The reflections do look preternaturally sharp-- think the back of the aquamarine is foiled like a mirror, or perhaps that 18k edge is actually a shiny slab of gold? That would help explain the price, at least a bit.
Looked up Bernd and Tom Munsteiner... incredible. "Picasso of gems" indeed.

More pearls-- big version is too big for PG without resizing, so it's worth clicking on at the site linked above :

I have some idea how the reflections 'work', but can't guess how the pearls were pinned to the stone (a few possibilities - and possibly some innovation).

Wearable? Bet it is - a larger modernistic pendant, but not really exaggerated, methinks. I'd call it conservative on account that the materials involved do not volunteer their precious nature in predictable forms.

Collage? Yes... a matter of aesthetic preference. I wonder whether the impression persists in 3D - most of the detail in the picture are fleeting reflections at an un-natural standstill.

my impression...

Looking forward to the first-hand report too.
Pearls and Aquamarine

Pearls and Aquamarine

Interesting piece. Out of my price range, but definitely a new concept!