Pearls on Etsy

I would enjoy looking at the treasuries a lot more if they didn't take so long to download--am I the only one with that problem? I do have high speed fiber optic, not dial-up, usually pretty fast, but it is so slow I don't look there very often.

Same for me, Pattye.
The treasury with the spinning thing - is that what you mean takes too long? After it comes on you should just be able to click each one and it pops up as an additional screen. That's weird. When I click it only takes a second or 2 while the spinning thing builds.
Sheryl - I don't open the treasuries because they take over 30 secs here with Australian broadband (definitely slower than most others, but still the fastest available here..) Sad, because I would love to see them!
That is really, really strange. I just went to Etsy to open, and the treasury page in general took me about 6 seconds. What web browser are you using. I use Safari, but still it shouldn't take that long. I will investigate!!!
I think etsy is a great resource for artists. I had not heard of the treasury until tonight, but I have actually bought some rings on etsy a while back and they are beautiful. I ordered them and the artist hand-crafted them to fit me.

If you have another link to your treasury I would love to check it out!
Hi, waimeamomi,

I've clicked on all of your treasury links, and all appear to have expired! (I am supposed to be able to connect to treasuries).

What am I doing wrong? (I wanna see 'em!!! wanna see!!!)

CarolK ;)

p.s. Actually, never mind, I was able to link to your creations via the "I Hear It's Your Birth Stone" treasury. Your photos and pieces are gorgeous!!! drool...
sorry everyone. An Etsy treasury is a temporary collection that expires. That's why I keep making and posting new ones. You feature a theme or a collection of items that you like and the more views and clicks and comments,the higher the ratings. You bring attention to your own shop through featuring others and you have to hit a certain time window to even get in. It literally opens up and if you aren't there you have to wait for a certain number of treasuries to expire. It's a game and a creation at the same time which why I like making and sharing them. Next time I'll include expiration day and time. Thanks again for looking.