Pearls going Green? (Not what you think)

Apr 17, 2015
I believe last year sometime (maybe longer) I took a picture of these pearls. I wanted to show a friend that always wears her "Power Pearls" never leaves home with out a strand. She is a mature woman and an accomplished real-estate agent, the first large luxury purchase she made was a South Sea pearl necklace and earring set. I asked her why not a car?she said "People won't always see me in my car, but they will see me in my pearls, to me my pearls are a statement of power and success, they show confidence" (I'm paraphrasing here). So when ever I see pearls I tease her and tempt her by sending her pictures and these pearls below are such an occasion. She returned my text and stated she obviously would not wear them to meet clients, but would definitely wear them to the cocktail receptions and black tie events she goes to.

At the time I took the picture another friend was with me, she is a part of the younger crowd and designs video games among many other things. When I stopped to take a picture of the pearls my young friend commented "Pearls are so old fashioned, too matronly who wears these things?" truly perplexed to see them in the window. I remember secretly thinking that seems to be a sentiment for many younger ladies I've come to know lately. It got me to thinking perhaps with all the new "Techie" youngsters coming of age?pearls are perhaps not a sign of class, sophistication and accomplishment it once was? Personally I remember a time when all the young women of a certain age in my family would get their first strand of pearls as a sign of transition into adulthood, leaving behind the little pearl studs they received after a religious ceremony at an earlier age, and now that seems to have become an extinct tradition in my family.

All and all I find it rather sad, or I just like tradition. On the up side I have another friend, she is very interested in environmental causes and sustainability. That friend says "Why would I not buy vintage pearls??It is a very green concept!" (This was said after I had told her the comment our mutual friend had made). As for me I never looked at it that way before?so maybe there is some hope after all. Since we were near by I showed her the pearls in the window, price aside (which I discreetly removed before posting the pic here) she joked she the clasp was a bit busy and doubts she would ever have occasion to wear such a "glamorized" pearl necklace, but she would own it "just because it was so pretty" she went onto to tell me about using recycled gold to make new pieces of jewelry for herself?which was a whole new conversation at lunch.

Anyhow I found the picture again the other day and it reminded me of the conversations so I wanted to share it here before deleting it. Being pearl fans/ fiends?would you wear such a pearl necklace, and do you find the younger ladies in your lives are not terribly interested in pearls?

(Disclosure: this particular picture is an up close in person picture I later took from the counter, the window glare was too intrusive, at the time I ran a jewelry blog and I know the Manager of the store:rolleyes:)


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That particular necklace is quite fancy, but I have something similar, in a scaled down version that I wear on a regular basis. But I'm old.

However, when I look on the Anthropologie website, for example, they have a ton of fake jewelry that is much bigger and bolder and doesn't look very much different than the necklace in your photo.
Being young myself (23) I find it very difficult to find people my age who are as interested in fine jewelry as I am..and when I say "fine jewelry" I mean anything other than the plastic and base metal jewelry. I know of one person my age who is cut of the same cloth I am as far as wanting nice jewelry. I am obsessed with colored gems and pearls equally.

I would TOTALLY wear that necklace. I find that I am usually more dressed up than anyone else at any given time because I like to look well put-together. I feel like people in general could stand to make it look like they put a little more effort into how they present themselves. You never know who you might run into in the grocery store or while out to dinner.

I truly have tried to educate my younger sisters (17 and 18) about gems and pearls in an effort to help them become more interested in nice jewelry, all to no avail. It'a very disheartening. That's why I like reading and posting here because we all appreciate beautiful pearls!
BW- 1st thank you for replying to my thread. "Old" is a state of mind, when my grandma was in her 80's she was off doing things she would never have done in her 40's, going to amusement parks and traveling for example (I try to remind myself of her example when I feel "old"), you are "mature" and in my world that means you appreciate all the experiences you've earned ;).

I think your are right, it surprises me all the "Chunky, clunky Fashion jewelry…especially with big beads" seems to be so popular with the young ones, but again it makes me think they're less interested in "Fine" jewelry. Maybe they feel there is time to "Grow" into that desire for finer jewels?

That particular necklace is quite fancy, but I have something similar, in a scaled down version that I wear on a regular basis. But I'm old.

However, when I look on the Anthropologie website, for example, they have a ton of fake jewelry that is much bigger and bolder and doesn't look very much different than the necklace in your photo.
Personally I wouldn't wear that piece as I'm not fond of the clasp. As for younger people not being interested , I find that most of the professionals around me who are under 40 have no interest in pearls at all. They much prefer the very expensive designer jewellery sold in the high end fashion stores and boutiques. It's a 'look' that speaks to them more than pearls.
lary007- You are a breath of fresh air in my opinion, even more impressive is you sought out to educate yourself at a "young" age. Your buying decisions are probably wiser because of it. I remember I bought my mother a Tahitian pearl set of earrings and matching pendant. My younger cousin was there, and she replied…"Pearls aren't black", I proceeded to educate her, and she was interested for a short period of time she even went looking for pearl jewelry for herself, but it was short lived and lost interest.

I suffer from the gemology bug so I guess I can't expect everyone in my family to share that passion, Mom said rocks and animals were always my passion even as a little kid, apparently I would stop and pick up any rock that looked shiny or interesting, or I would spend hours watching Ants or minnows, funny how somethings never change.

I think it is great you have the view you have…being "dressed-up" goes a long way in making you feel better about yourself and how you carry yourself. I know when I get a new hair-cut and a shave I always feel a bit more polished, even if I am just wearing a polo and jeans. You ladies are lucky, a strand of pearls, or a pearl necklace can make an outfit look a bit more pulled together, even when being casual.

Don't ever change LOL Keep being classy and pulled together :D

Being young myself (23) I find it very difficult to find people my age who are as interested in fine jewelry as I am..and when I say "fine jewelry" I mean anything other than the plastic and base metal jewelry. I know of one person my age who is cut of the same cloth I am as far as wanting nice jewelry. I am obsessed with colored gems and pearls equally.

I would TOTALLY wear that necklace. I find that I am usually more dressed up than anyone else at any given time because I like to look well put-together. I feel like people in general could stand to make it look like they put a little more effort into how they present themselves. You never know who you might run into in the grocery store or while out to dinner.

I truly have tried to educate my younger sisters (17 and 18) about gems and pearls in an effort to help them become more interested in nice jewelry, all to no avail. It'a very disheartening. That's why I like reading and posting here because we all appreciate beautiful pearls!
Katbran- That clasp reminds me of the old vintage rose cut diamond encrusted pocket watches. When I first saw it, I won't lie…I flipped it over just to be sure there was no watch on the other side. The diamond spacers makes it look modern. I do think it is an interesting and pretty necklace, I don't know how I feel about the two components being combined in one necklace of pearls.

I think you are right as well, one of the young ladies I mentioned above has a well known designer sterling silver cable bangle with pearls on the ends…she thought it was "edgy", if you know the cable style designer, you'll know how expensive that sterling jewelry happens to be.

I don't think there is anything wrong with designer or fashion jewelry, but I always think of the bins and bins of fashion jewelry you see in salvation army type shops. At some point someone spent lots of $$$ on toss away jewelry.

Personally I wouldn't wear that piece as I'm not fond of the clasp. As for younger people not being interested , I find that most of the professionals around me who are under 40 have no interest in pearls at all. They much prefer the very expensive designer jewellery sold in the high end fashion stores and boutiques. It's a 'look' that speaks to them more than pearls.
lary007- You are a breath of fresh air in my opinion, even more impressive is you sought out to educate yourself at a "young" age. Your buying decisions are probably wiser because of it. I remember I bought my mother a Tahitian pearl set of earrings and matching pendant. My younger cousin was there, and she replied…"Pearls aren't black", I proceeded to educate her, and she was interested for a short period of time she even went looking for pearl jewelry for herself, but it was short lived and lost interest.

I suffer from the gemology bug so I guess I can't expect everyone in my family to share that passion, Mom said rocks and animals were always my passion even as a little kid, apparently I would stop and pick up any rock that looked shiny or interesting, or I would spend hours watching Ants or minnows, funny how somethings never change.

I think it is great you have the view you have…being "dressed-up" goes a long way in making you feel better about yourself and how you carry yourself. I know when I get a new hair-cut and a shave I always feel a bit more polished, even if I am just wearing a polo and jeans. You ladies are lucky, a strand of pearls, or a pearl necklace can make an outfit look a bit more pulled together, even when being casual.

Don't ever change LOL Keep being classy and pulled together :D

Thanks for the compliment! I can't decide if having a love for gems/rocks/etc is a good or bad thing lol. I collected all kinds of rocks as a kid, too. I kept them all in a Slim Jim jar.

And actually I remember getting a little 10k gold and diamond ring when I was 5. Every single year since that I asked for fine jewelry for birthdays. I got my first pearls after spending 2 months researching them for my 15 birthday. They are from Pearl Paradise of all places!
No thanks needed. I truly appreciate you engaging in this conversation with me, it is good to gain perspectives from others.

Thanks for the compliment! I can't decide if having a love for gems/rocks/etc is a good or bad thing lol. I collected all kinds of rocks as a kid, too. I kept them all in a Slim Jim jar.

And actually I remember getting a little 10k gold and diamond ring when I was 5. Every single year since that I asked for fine jewelry for birthdays. I got my first pearls after spending 2 months researching them for my 15 birthday. They are from Pearl Paradise of all places!
I would only wear such a grand necklace at black or white tie formal events, and they are far and between nowadays.

DK :)
Dk- Thanks for replying. I think you are right it is a grand necklace to be certain, and you'd wear for black tie events so I couldn't imagine this being any ladies everyday necklace unless they reside in a palace, right? Its funny though, if you look at the old black and white movies, ladies wore pearls with fancy clasps just to go grocery shopping : ) a different point in time for sure.

I would only wear such a grand necklace at black or white tie formal events, and they are far and between nowadays.

DK :)
I'm 30 (going to be 31 in 3 weeks) and I am the ONLY one in my group of friends that wears fine jewelry, especially pearls. We are a very laid back bunch, jeans, graphic tee shirts, old flip flops, and I am the same, but I usually always wear pearls. I actually LOVE how pearls can go from power pearls, to a classic necklace you'd see on a distinguished woman, to something even edgy depending on the outfit. I found them to be terribly versatile! If people they make me look "matronly or old" then fine, I will look old and be loving what I am wearing. doesn't bother me.
That is exactly how one of my younger friends feels. She wears pearls with graphic tee shirts jeans and boots. I think its really great how she combines these things. Usually she wears long tin-cup style chains more often than a rope or strand of pearls but still…she said its a versatile look, and when not sure what to wear on her ears she said "diamonds studs, pearls studs or hoops" can't go wrong. Actually she called me a few months ago to tell me about a job interview, she wrapped a long tin-cup style into a choker style and wore it with an up collar blouse, and the lady interviewing her complimented her on the necklace and stylish outfit…go figure.

I'm 30 (going to be 31 in 3 weeks) and I am the ONLY one in my group of friends that wears fine jewelry, especially pearls. We are a very laid back bunch, jeans, graphic tee shirts, old flip flops, and I am the same, but I usually always wear pearls. I actually LOVE how pearls can go from power pearls, to a classic necklace you'd see on a distinguished woman, to something even edgy depending on the outfit. I found them to be terribly versatile! If people they make me look "matronly or old" then fine, I will look old and be loving what I am wearing. doesn't bother me.
Fine jewelry will last a life time. I got my first strand of pearls when I was a senior in high school in the late 1970's. I was in a sorority and we always wore pearls on Monday nights for chapter meetings. Then the preppy craze hit, and we wore pearls ALL THE TIME! I love how styles have evolved and pearls have gone from classic white orbs to beautiful colors, shapes, sizes and textures. The pearl is a versatile gemstone, and should be a part of everyone's wardrobe!
Ooh love those big white pearls, I will wear that stunning strand Pearl Dude. I have worn my grandmothers pearl (pendant) since I was 5 years old. To me it's sad the amount of money women will invest in non-precious metals and stones, when monies could go towards fine jewelry that will hold more value, including gold weight. Wearing high quality pearls, diamonds and gold, well to me nothing compares.
I think you're totally on point Fine Jewelry is everlasting. I told my younger brothers all the time as we grew up, stop buying lots of cheap watches…save your money for one really nice watch, then throw in some cheaper ones for versatility, but quality first. (Same thing with shoes…for some reason they loved sneakers…for the life of me I could not understand spending all that money on sneakers when you could buy really great Ferragamo or Gucci).

Belpearl had a trunk show recently at Neiman Marcus last call, very interesting designs. Especially some of the Kasumiga pearl combos. There is a British company that does some really outstanding pearl pieces too:

How cool does this look? View attachment 36058

Fine jewelry will last a life time. I got my first strand of pearls when I was a senior in high school in the late 1970's. I was in a sorority and we always wore pearls on Monday nights for chapter meetings. Then the preppy craze hit, and we wore pearls ALL THE TIME! I love how styles have evolved and pearls have gone from classic white orbs to beautiful colors, shapes, sizes and textures. The pearl is a versatile gemstone, and should be a part of everyone's wardrobe!
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It is interesting the idea of quantity over quality. I still wonder sometimes, I know lots of designers will use genuine freshwater cultured pearls in their "Fashion" jewelry, so in a sense the young ladies are wearing "real" pearls but just not High quality. I remember when a good friend of mine was looking for gifts for her wedding party, she found these dog-eared single pearl necklaces at Nordstrum, they had cute little sayings inscribed on the display card and she got caught-up in the sentiment of it, she saw my face and said…"I know I know". I replied "This is a huge step up from the little earrings from Claires"

Ooh love those big white pearls, I will wear that stunning strand Pearl Dude. I have worn my grandmothers pearl (pendant) since I was 5 years old. To me it's sad the amount of money women will invest in non-precious metals and stones, when monies could go towards fine jewelry that will hold more value, including gold weight. Wearing high quality pearls, diamonds and gold, well to me nothing compares.