PEARLS by Elisabeth Strack - How Do I Order It

I ordered a copy from Rio Grande about a month ago and received it two days later. I assume that means they have them in stock and ready to ship. Might be faster to order from them than go through the German publisher.
Thank you all. I will keep trying the different sources. Too bad it is not on Amazon. If any one knows of sources other than the ones in this post, please let me know.
Both GIA and Rio don't have the book right now. Elizabeth had some copies in Tucson when she spoke there a couple of years ago, but i don't remember if they were in English...I think the distribution or lack there of, has to do with her publisher.
Check with Peter Bazaar of Imperial Pearls. He's a member here (pbazar is his handle name). I bought mine from him. He had a couple books left last year.
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I got mine from Peter as well, but I had the impression that all his copies went.

But, you know, it's worth a try!
Hi and thank you all for your suggestions! I got a copy from

I do not know if he has multiple copies, but he seems to be the only US source at this time. Hi GemGeek! I think you are a PQ that posts in another forum. I post there too but under another name.

About a year from now after I have studied the Strack book I will have some textbook knowledge about pearls, and maybe someday I'll develop first hand experience, which no book can give you.

Thanks y'all! This is an excellent forum for pearl information!
Hi and thank you all for your suggestions! I got a copy from

I do not know if he has multiple copies, but he seems to be the only US source at this time.
I think that is correct.... that he may be the only source for this book in the U.S. right now. I posted Charon Kransen's info several months ago, post #16 in this thread. I'm glad he still had it. I have known him for many years and when it comes to jewelry and gem books.......... if he doesn't have the book in stock, no one does!
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Hi All, It's been a while since I've visited the forum. I have a copy of the English edition of Strack's book that I would be willing to sell if anyone is still looking. It's new and unread. If interested, please feel free to send me a private message. Lisa
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I am going to NYC on Monday and I am interested to see his place.

"His Place"............ I think it's his apartment :p at least that was where he used to sell from. He also represents European goldsmiths in the US; ask him to show you some of their jewelry.

Yes, I thought the same as I re-read his website. I will call to make an appointment. It would be rude to assume that he is available for me at a call though. Thank you for the foresight.
I just ordered this book from the GIA website. After reading this, I hope it was actually in stock! ;-)
just got my copy of the book today. This is the bible u need. Amazing what a good book. Was looking for a long time at 2nd hand copies from Amazon @ USD 350. So now a lot cheaper.