Pearls arriving today...

you could be wrong there, maybe they don?t use it anymore but they certainly have done so before, as I had questions about the glue they used.:o

You're absolutely correct. Let me rephrase. In the all of 3 strands which they knotted and PG members disassembled to redesign, we found no glue. But! What's just 3 strands? :)
Well I sent the pearls back overnight to pp. They just called me today to discuss the matter but I missed the phone calls, and ended up with 2 voicemails. I've got to call her back as soon as I get the chance. She said that she found a strand with a strong rose overtone that has less blemishes and that she will personally swap some of the pearls for me to make sure I am happy and that she can make it 17 inches. Her concern is about the clasp, as it is not sitting right, and that even tho it's thier clasp, they can't fix it, so she's suggesting I replace the clasp with something else, and she recomends a ball clasp. Problem is I don't really like the ball style clasps, I dislike the look of polished metal balls and I just don't care for them, and I don't know how much more we can afford to put into this strand of pearls. A diamond encrusted ball clasp is gonna set us back like 600-1000 on top of the strand cost. I just don't know what to do. If anyone has any comments or questions please feel free to ask. If anyone wants to help me find clasps or decide on clasps from pp's website, send the links onover. Thanks.
On pp's website, I see 2 diamond encrusted ball clasps. There's one with the same type of closure, as the clasp I just had (that drove me nuts, because my fingernail had to be right on the line or it wouldn't open) it would be a push in closure I think. And then there's another one that's split in the center and screws together. I would prefer the screwing encrusted ball, but at $550.00 that's alot to spend on just the clasp. The size of the ball would have to be 9mm round, 10mm is too big for my strand size, and the metal of choice would be white gold.


Push-in encrusted ball:

Screw together encrusted ball:
You beat me to it. It is only $28. or $34. That not too much and it takes the pressure off. You can always upgrade. Link

They also have a $225.00 diamond clasp
May I ask, what is the neckline of your dress like? Based on my experience with my pearls and my wedding dress, and my sisters, if your dress is strapless, or not high cut, you may want to go with 18. IMO it still looks a little short with a strapless dress. (by the way, when is your wedding? Im just curious what your date is).
What about a bow clasp like the ones at the pearl outlet. Could they get one like that for you?
I've talked to them previously about ordering clasps I like. One clasp in particular was only available in 14kt yellow gold. They don't have any catalogues I can look through, they only have the online inventory they use through a manufacture. She couldn't find any of the clasps I liked, except for one, that was slightly different and only available in 14kt yellow gold.

As far as a ball clasp goes, it has to be a 9mm round size, it cannot be 10mm or larger as this is too large for my size of pearls. The only ball clasps I see on there website available in a 9 mm size are: a polished ball, a matte finish ball, and 2 different diamond encrusted ball clasps. I could choose a matte finish ball, or even the other diamond clasp that's priced at $225 but they both have the same style of push in closure as the previous clasp I had and it drove me crazy because I could not open the thing unless my finger nail landed exactly on the line.

So my options that I see are either a screwing diamond encrusted ball clasp (easy to open and close) or a white gold lobster claw clasp (easy to open and close, lack of style). I was thinking of a lobster claw clasp originally, but I like more style, to where the clasp can be shown off in the front of the necklace, if I choose to wear it that way.

So I guess it comes down to what we can afford right now. Yes I know I sound very picky, but this is afterall for a wedding. The wedding is in the fall and my dress will have a higher neckline and is not strapless. I think a shorter strand length is more fitting, but I also need to make sure it can fit around my neck and that it isn't too short.
Well, I think a ball with a matte ball would be nice and basic. Someone else mentioned you could always upgrade in the future. I also like the ball with diamonds that screws together.
I think the matte ball clasp is fine too. Give yourself a break! I mean with all the worrying as to how well you are going to wine and dine your guests, and how fabulous the band/DJ will be, and what with all the other well-thought-out entertainment/decoration you will be indulging your guests in, trust me when I say from experience that nobody will come up to you on that day exclaiming, "My God, that is one AMAZING pearl clasp you have there!!". And you know why? Because they will all be stuffing their faces with fabulous food(in my case everyone was completely taken aback as to how the caterer was able to make tofu taste so good!) while guzzling the fine booze, and doing funny dances till they drop of exhaustion or someone has a near heart attack(Old Uncle Casimir doing his famous Hip Flop moves). Again trust me when I say that even if my maid of honour had stuck a "kick me" sign on my back, no one would have stopped their intense partying to actually notice, let alone actually kick me. When I ask friends now, many years later, what they remember about my wedding---it's the "exotic" vegan food, the abundance of fresh flowers and the weird scared look my husband had on his face before the ceremony.

Why not recycle the matte ball clasp and have hubby get you the clasp of your dreams for your first wedding anniversary(how romantic is that, eh?) You'll have a WHOLE YEAR for devoting to buying, and then casually sending back, all the clasps you've inspected and don't think quite make the cut, until you find THE ONE!! Plus, with the way gold prices are soaring, in a year's time, the matte ball clasp will probably be worth double what you initially paid for it.

Just some thoughts.

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Questions about the size of a ball clasp versus the size of the pearls? What's the rule that I can't seem to remember?

A 9 mm ball clasp for a 8-9 mm strand of pearls?
I'm not sure about the size thing. But i'm sure someone here knows, or PP could tell you. So have you decided to go with the matte ball? If so I think it's a good choice.
Yes we have decided to just go with the matte ball clasp but I don't know what size will look best, or in porportion to the size of the pearls.

I don't want a clasp that's normally put on a strand of giant tahitians to be put on a clasp of pearls that appear half that size. If you know what I mean.

I do know that 10mm is too big, but even 9mm might look big?
Well i've contacted PP, and all is well in the land of getting things fixed! It's so great to deal with a company that stands behind the products they sell. It's honestly hard to find such companies these days.

I decided to go with the size of the ball clasp that is equal to the size of the smallest pearls on the strand. This way the clasp blends with the pearls rather then distracting you. I'm letting the pearls speak for themself, so to speak.

I went with the matte finish ball in 14kt white gold, which unlike a lobster claw clasp, allows me to show off the clasp in the front of the necklace, if I choose to. Plus I like the finish of the ball, and the darker then normal color, which makes it appear very platinum-like.

As far as the pearls go, the strand she had picked out was actually Ivory in it's body color with strong rose overtone. She was suprised to find out im looking for a White body color with a strong rose overtone. I told her im trying to find something that looks like it could be a strand of Akoyas. She understood what I ment, and then went on to say that some of the top quality akoya strands have noticeable blemshes. She is also addressing the blemishes by searching through large amounts of pearls to find the more flawless ones she can find that fit the bodycolor/overtone requirements.

Then the length of the strand, I had told her 17, but then we debated the whole 16-17-18 inch length issue, and decided that best way to assure the strand isn't too short is to get the 18 inch. You can always take away the pearls easier then you can add the pearls, because of the matching of the additional pearls. I'm hoping the strand is the perfect length for me. If I find it to be too long, I can always have a pearl or two removed a heck of alot easier then adding pearls to it! Maybe make a pair of earrings if I end up with 2 excess pearls?

I've prolly drove the people at PP nuts, with how picky I am!
I can't wait to recieve the new strand! I'm very excited!
Of course I will be sharing pictures with all of you.
Hi Spherical Flower,

I can sympathize with you wanting the perfect strand of pearls but I sure wouldn?t like to be your wedding-planner, that job must be one of the hardest ones, as you are not easy to please, LOL.:p
I sure wouldn?t like to be your wedding-planner, that job must be one of the hardest ones, as you are not easy to please, LOL.

Too funny! :rolleyes:
I was just thinking..
scince I have a yellow undertone in my skin,
that strand of pearls with an ivory body color would look bad on me?

Also an ivory body color does not match a true-white wedding dress.

The first strand she picked out had an ivory body color with a strong rose overtone, so if I would have never called her back, I would have recieved the wrong pearls.

I'm hoping what I recieve has a true white body color and a strong rose overtone, altho I donot know if this grade even exsist in freshadama freshwaters, as akoya pearls generally look like this. This appearance I like that akoyas have, is a result of heavy treating, such as bleaching and dying or "pinking". Solid nacre pearls most certianly have the advantage.
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These pearls seemed to have a true silver-white appearance in normal lighting. Think Tiffany and Co pearls versus Mikimoto. Tiffany and Co usually carries silver-white, while Mikimoto is famous for rose overtones. They just didn't seem to have enough rose to them. But taking them outside into direct sunlight brought out the rose overtone.

I'm hoping to find something with a white body color and a strong rose overtone. A strand that looks like akoyas, but is freshwater.

Anyway, here are some more pictures of the strand I sent back.
(the main reason why I sent them back is because they BARELY fit aroundmyneck)


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I would call that the strongest rose overtone possible with out actually getting a pink necklace.

Mikimoto uses dye to do what they call "pinking" their pearls. It does not have to be disclosed unless the dye is actually visible- like around the holes. This is the source of the pink overtones.

In the freshwaters, that overtone is natural and is not as strong.
I would call that the strongest rose overtone possible with out actually getting a pink necklace.
Not sure what you ment by that? :confused:

I already knew that Mikimoto's Akoya's are "pinked" with dye and that's where the color comes from.
I also knew that freswaters have natural rose overtones, and because of this it doesn't appear as "pink".
I'm just trying to get somebody to make me a freshwater strand out of all of the "strongest rose tones" they can find, out of white body color pearls and not ivory, as white is what matches a wedding dress.
I don't think I will get that lucky tho. :rolleyes: