Pearls and public figures...

Sea Urchin

Feb 7, 2012
Okay, here's when you know you've been bitten by the pearl bug- I was following the CIA director scandal, and all I could think of was why everyone kept missing the interesting part- those ladies have some nice pearls! It looks like the mistress, Paula Broadwell has a bracelet of honking tahitians. Wife Holly Patraeus has what I'd guess is a long double strand of baroque golden south seas. And, the mystery-role woman, Jill Kelley, her earrings look like white south sea pearls.

Does anyone else do that? :o
Oh, yeah. Almost to the exclusion of actually hearing the news.

Then I wonder if any of the merchants here provided the pearls!
I love seeing pearls on political figures and powerful women.
Not a political figure but... did anybody see the new Bond movie? Judy Dench is wearing pearls almost every scene! I think she's wearing blue Akoya necklace.
I love her studs!
Quite a few royal ladies wore pearls during the Remembrance Sunday gathering in UK.

DK :)
Haha yes. I always notice when anyone wears pearls, even in the movies! My husband does the same and while watching the latest James Bond movie, he leaned over and whispered, "Judi Dench is wearing pearls!"
Caitlin you crack me up...Pearl-dar...and Pearl-itis??? I know I have Pearl-itis bad.
Thank you Caitlin :) pearls just make me happy. I seem to remember seeing your beauties at the last 3 Ruckus and your collection is stunning.