salem said:
While I do agree research is good, and the more people who are well educated the better, I also think these forums may intimidate people by the sheer bulk of it.
Search should take care of the bulk... so could a section of the forum dedicated strictly to showing off / talking about personal purchases, methinks. I can think of a couple of such forum sections that rake tens and hundresds of thousands of readings!

That must account for something.
Personally, I am not the one for lists of either positive or negative feedback. For once, experiences may vary, and impressions may be more nuanced than any index or list may convey. IMO, it is the personal interaction and 'stories' that make the value of a forum like this

Otherwise, the world is full of dry indeces and rankins. Ebay's reputation rankings are more than enough

... I'd say.
There's one more thing: while negative ratings reek of 'witch hunting' almost every time, the positive ones do not inspire trust most of the time either. Besides, can't imagine why any forum wouldn't shun such a thing just to avoid a quick case of 'insider-ites' (insider problem). It happens, believe me... I've seen it happening.

Focus on product rather than seller might help address this... can't quite know for sure, just hope it will... and enjoy the going-ons in the meantime.
pattye said:
My concern is that when a vendor list is created, that it unintentially appears as a "preferred list"
I subscribe to this comment too.
None of my business ... but ... there is advertising on this forum. Wouldn't a positive selection of outsider sellers detract from it?
The adds may already provide the service of 'search shortcut' anyway, as I would imagine that even casual readers would assume that the businesses suporting the forum or allowed as adverstisers of the products discussed do have the endorsement and approval of most if not all writers on a specialiyed forum like this - which they do.
Hope I am not crossing some line here...