Pearlfection or Pearlfabrication

But that is the very definition of a discussion forum. With so many opinions firing in so many different directions, there is never a single, unified voice.

But, there are some safeguards in place. This watches out for copyright and other legalities that we bump into every so often.
the topic of a blacklist is one thing Jeremy and I spoke about in detail today and we both agreed that we didn't want to take that type of approach.

As Jeremy mentioned we get a lot of posts asking what vendor they should purchase from and of course most vendors avoid responding for fear of self-promotion. If we had a trusted vendor list anybody could simply drop the link and move on. No bias towards any one site, simply a list of trusted vendors, designers etc. and the consumer can use that as a starting point for their research.

The blacklist to me would be the "low road" and frankly I'd like to address the issue in a positive, proactive way. If you want to be included on the list, simply straighten up your act, clean up your website and or advertising and we'll gladly list your website.

Its really no more then a simple directory listing, where the vendor has to prove that they are ethical to be listed.

I think if its done correctly it would be a great resource, if done badly it could be well for lack of a better word "cheesy". We are open to all opinions though, so keep them coming.
And if someone isn't on the good guy list is he a bad guy by omission?

Knotty I just read this part of your post and it struck me as particularly poignant. There is some truth to statement and certainly wouldn't be the intention of a vendor list - the question is can it be avoided?

Some great dialog here guys - please keep posting as this is a community site and we want to build this community to suit our members not just ourselves.
My concern is that when a vendor list is created, that it unintentially appears as a "preferred list" and that a potential customer will not do their homework, comparison shop and ask questions, to find what really meets their needs. I think no matter how hard we try, those omitted from the list will appear as somehow lesser, no matter how many disclaimers appear with the list.

so many pearls, so little time
I don't know - would it hurt the forum to have the scattered posts that already exist gathered into one, easy-to-point-to discussion area? Something like this:

(Forum) Member Comments on Sellers
(Thread Topic) [name of seller] - A Pearl-Guide Sponsor
[entry indicating the seller's sponsor status, contact information, products, etc.]
[forum members could add individual posts talking about their experiences, what they purchased, etc.]

After the sponsors' listings, there could be other listings for members, non-members, etc. There also could be categories (more exotic items, findings, etc.).

Basically, it would be the discussion area for members to post their experiences - not an "official" endorsement. If someone comes to the forum with a "who should I buy from?" question, the first member on the scene could point out the discussion area. It could be a starting point. Also, that way perhaps the "sin of omission" could be avoided, as it (hopefully) would be clear that it only includes sellers the members have had actual experience with, not all sellers in the pearl universe.

Personally, I would focus on the positive, since it seems most people just want to find a good seller to purchase from. Questions about specific sellers - the "Anyone heard of X?" questions - could continue to be handled on an individual thread basis.

Just a thought.

Ok here is my 1.5 cents.(can't afford two..:D )

I am a bit wary of any list backlisting or naming names of companies someone has a bad experience with. For alot of the reason already mentioned, so why repeat?

But, for companies we support, to keep it more 'fair', I think the companies(and the PG members) should stay out of the process. What about a public voting by the members, maybe only established members so people don't just sign up to vote. It could be clearlky stated it isn't a comprehensive list, but oly based on our own experiences. And by voting, I don't mean #1, #2, #3 etc. But for example, each company could have a list of members who have purchased from them. For example:

Pearl Company A:


Without any comments, just users names. Then if somoene has a question, they could PM us for our personal experince. They can also read our past posts an know we aren't affilated with any company we are endorsing. So just our personal experience, that is all. And not just the finished jewelry providers, but anyone who sells loose hanks or other items for beading. Lists could be broken down into subtopics. I have to run to a doctors appointment. I hope this made a little sense.
Be well, my friend.
Now this is a good discussion! I especially like Salem's method. It makes so much sense.

I agree that there would be a lot of companies on the list. There are just so many corners of the industry represented.
jshepherd said:
I actually think your idea for the vendor list is really a good one. It just makes sense. There are so many good ones that cover such a wide range of offerings, from services to findings, to designers, etc.
That is what a forum is about. A place for discussions and the exchange of ideas.

Welcome Bluecamel, Love teh enthusiasim.. However many sites and B&M stores taht teach soem of the myths ans untruths are themselves not knowledgable and will defend their beliefs and actions. weatehr or not they eventuallys say "I was wrong, did not know or Was what I was told.etc... or intentionally decieve the public to make a buck or few.
Going in both guns blazing does not always get the best results

Blacklists are not good for anyone involved. it hurts all involved. Suits for claims of slander are by no mens fun, and can be very expensive..

keeping this list possitive and upbeat does make a difference. without all the backlash and possiblelegal ramifications. is what I would like to see kept here.

I am very much in favor of The Idea od a lit of whose who =, does what, Designs, vends, supplies, etc... There is a VERY high sense of inegrity here adn I for one do believe we have shown upon many occsion that this list ans its members are on teh level and do put our money where out mouth is and share information, help, guide and respect one another here...

I for one am VERY proud of the excellent reputation and online community that is here... Not may others you have designers, professionals, suppliers, enthusiasts, researchers and more that can talk freely and can share grow and learn from one another...

good integrtity is rare and this site is very special because it holds itself to very high standards...


Another concern of mine is that people might just go straight to the list and not take the time to learn about pearls, and appreciate all that it takes to bring us such a lovely item, all the hand labor, all the variety and their unique beauty. It's a small investment of one's time and energy to dig a little and be able to evaluate for ones' self---IMO

so many pearls, so little time
jshepherd said:
Yes, The Pearl Source was using a photograph that they did not take, and the way the responded to being "outed" was unprofessional and left them with a lot of mud on their face. But, that does not necessarily make them completely unethical, although the use of AAAA is questionable, in my opinion.

Is this pearlsoure in question?

we need to know!

Yup, that would be them. They do have a few great designs, but I have my qualms ordering from them just from what has transpired, and I have a very long memory. They obviously do have some happy customers though.
Salem's idea looks good. But I agree with Pattye that if such a list exists, people may go straight to it and not bother researching a little before purchase.
That's fine, but some knowledge is useful.
I myself found this forum about a year ago ( found it on ebay ) when thinking of buying some new akoyas.
I browsed the forum for a few months, reading all the info. that I could find, and then purchased freshwaters from PearlParadise.
Since then, I've bought from vendors all over the world; beads, beading supplies, findings, pearl strands; and every single vendor was found whilst reading this forum.
So, the information is already here, just not all together in one place.
Which may not be a bad thing.
If it was all together in one place I would never have discovered how beautiful freshwater pearls are these days; would never have heard of coin pearls, stick pearls, keishis, etc.
I'd not have learned how to string pearls, knotting techniques etc.
Oh, and I never did buy the akoyas. Wow ! :)
See, I kinda disagree. I think the people who care about pearls will search out the information no matter what. I know I love coming here everyday to check what's new, who bought what, etc.:D

But some people just want to buy pearls as a gift and want some good info quickly. While I do agree research is good, and the more people who are well educated the better, I also think these forums may intimidate people by the sheer bulk of it. Some of the threads get 100's of responses and I don't think we can expect most people to trawl through it. I know if I was buying a watch(for example) for my husband, I wouldn't want to go through thread after thread looking for a reputable buyer. It would just overwhelm me and I would give up.

Plus, I think there is the added bonus of a new shopper getting a good recommendation and discovering a new love of pearls. Then they might come back and enhance our community.

Maybe we could also add links to the most pertinent threads for further reading?;)
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Yes, I see what you mean. Good point.
Sigh..... now, I don't know.....
salem said:
While I do agree research is good, and the more people who are well educated the better, I also think these forums may intimidate people by the sheer bulk of it.

Search should take care of the bulk... so could a section of the forum dedicated strictly to showing off / talking about personal purchases, methinks. I can think of a couple of such forum sections that rake tens and hundresds of thousands of readings! ;) That must account for something.

Personally, I am not the one for lists of either positive or negative feedback. For once, experiences may vary, and impressions may be more nuanced than any index or list may convey. IMO, it is the personal interaction and 'stories' that make the value of a forum like this :) Otherwise, the world is full of dry indeces and rankins. Ebay's reputation rankings are more than enough :o ... I'd say.

There's one more thing: while negative ratings reek of 'witch hunting' almost every time, the positive ones do not inspire trust most of the time either. Besides, can't imagine why any forum wouldn't shun such a thing just to avoid a quick case of 'insider-ites' (insider problem). It happens, believe me... I've seen it happening. :( Focus on product rather than seller might help address this... can't quite know for sure, just hope it will... and enjoy the going-ons in the meantime.


pattye said:
My concern is that when a vendor list is created, that it unintentially appears as a "preferred list"

I subscribe to this comment too.

None of my business ... but ... there is advertising on this forum. Wouldn't a positive selection of outsider sellers detract from it?

The adds may already provide the service of 'search shortcut' anyway, as I would imagine that even casual readers would assume that the businesses suporting the forum or allowed as adverstisers of the products discussed do have the endorsement and approval of most if not all writers on a specialiyed forum like this - which they do.

Hope I am not crossing some line here...
Search takes care of the bulk...? Really? lol We must have really different ways of using the search then. Whenever I enter any term, like 15 threads at least pop up. I consider that bulky. But, I may be doing something wrong. Is there a better way to use the search tool?:o MAybe I have been missing out and would love, love,love to learn a better way.

As for the feedback, I completely agree. My suggestion has nothing to do with feedback. I always find them fishy too

"Martha, from Washington writes: I love Pearl-guide!! ...blahblahblah" I never trust them either. They always sound like they are written by an employee. :rolleyes:

I had once suggested by PM that a forum be created for new users. A place they could introduce themselves and feel comfortable before jumping into a thread where everyone seems to "know"each other. I never got a reply, so figured it wasn't of much use/interest to the powers that be. But maybe we could have a thread on a newbie forum? However it evolves, I am all for making simple information available simply. So it should be interesting to see what happens.


I always liked the fact that the vendors on the list did not push their products, but actively promoted pearls in general and freely shared information. The change to adding a "preferred vendor list" seems like it would alter the concept of "hands-off". Note I say "seems". The whole subject makes me feel uncomfortable.

For instance, I have a business that is 80% pearls. I have a commercial website, albeit a small operation. I deal in fancy and offbeat dyed pearls, as well as inexpensive freshwater pearl necklaces in lower qualities/shapes. I am no competition to the wonderful pearl vendors on this site and would purchase from them for myself, even though I can buy wholesale.

But, suppose I wanted to be on the list? Who would vet me? Maybe I would start mentioning my product in all my posts in an effort to drive people to my website so they would recommend me to the list. Ha! ---That's just a what-if, because I enjoy my anonymity:)

Also, once there are threads or lists specifically to evaluate or promote certain sites, who is to say that there won't be the temptation to have "ringers" post enthusiastic or negative comments. I'm thinking that some less than perfect vendors will want in on the action.

Hopefully I haven't said anything offensive here -- just discussing:)
Newbie Forum

Newbie Forum

Salem, I like the idea of a newbie area a lot:)
Hello Jeremy,
That's pretty nifty - clever you !
I rather like it. I've searched using half a dozen single keywords and, to my mind, it works really well.
I also like the choice of searching within this site or outside.