pearl tree

Sheri and Wendy -

There is always Blueskin - the latest rage in building exterior moisture-resistant membranes. :) If your kitty is a Russian Blue it could work!
Your creativity is endless, though I did expect orange and black pearls......
I second the display thoughts- it would be great for earrings.
Mikeyy, I'm afraid you have me there...since Nerida hasn't stepped in yet, I need a translation!

And Heidi, Spackle's name was pure chance - he was a stray who decided to adopt us, we initially thought he was a she, I had "Lulu" in mind, then when the vet informed us that it was a he who had "lost his manhood", had to come up with a name on the spot. As it happens, we were in the midst of major house repairs, and this was what popped into my head. Somehow, it seems to fit him; he's a very spunky cat. Lucky, too...just think, he could be named "Grout"...

No she speaks Aussie. That's english for Laughing my arse off. And I suppose you right. Hairballs and Hair Balls are probably two different things. Language isn't my strong suit.
You are so creative, Sheri - I love the pearl tree! You are always coming up with great ideas. You need one of the spider pearls on that tree :-)
That's great! I hope the cat doesn't swallow one.

Amongst other things that octopus bail would give kitty fits on it's return visit!

But seriously, that's such a great idea. I've never been so into plaiguerism(sp?) as I have since I joined this forum.

Can I make something similar?

You know what John, I make those spiders all the time. Not the expensive ones; the kind you put on your Christmas tree. I use the pearls that aren't good enough to give away as jewelry. If there is something I don't like about a pearl, it might just have enough character to become a critter.
They are just, you know, lowely beader toys but fun to mix in for a laugh!

Besides; what else can you do with the pearls that just don't cut it?
Amongst other things that octopus bail would give kitty fits on it's return visit!

But seriously, that's such a great idea. I've never been so into plaiguerism(sp?) as I have since I joined this forum.

Can I make something similar?


Of course, Barbie! As long as you post photos of some of your pearl critters so I can plagiarize (sp? someone please tell us how to spell this word!) them. ;)

I'm starting to feel the strong urge to make pearl spiders...
