pearl tree


Super Moderator
Jul 11, 2007
Was going to add this to the "some of my strange pearl creations" thread from long ago, but it's fairly well buried, so I'm starting a new thread here. I was inspired by all the talk of Christmas tree ornament pearls in the red pearls thread...much as I love Christmas, I'm actually more of a Halloween girl. So, all my lovely pearl friends, Happy October! For those in the southern hemisphere, just pretend you're starting to feel a bit of a nip in the air... Oh yeah, my cat seems to approve, too...



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That's great! I hope the cat doesn't swallow one.
Sheri, that's just so pretty.... thank you!

Regarding the "bit of a nip in the air.." well it's only 10am here but they are promising a 35 degree day... and it's only the 2nd October. Not fair.

Nice cat, too.
Lovely Lovely Lovely! Tree and Cat, both! ;)

Thank you! Spackle thanks you, too.

And Nerida, I'm afraid I'll never get used to anything but Farenheit, but I get the feeling that 35 degrees is on the toasty side in your lingo? My sympathy. Perhaps you should come north for the winter.../or should I say summer? I'm looking forward to those nice crisp 55 degree California days...

35 celsius - 95 degrees farenheit...

too hot, stay indoors, air conditioning..

Fabulous, the tree and cat!! Are those your favorite earrings and pendants? And did you make the darling tree? (I had written a previous post, but somehow it disappeared.)

Fabulous, the tree and cat!! Are those your favorite earrings and pendants? And did you make the darling tree? (I had written a previous post, but somehow it disappeared.)

Thanks, Pattye and Inge. I have two other cats - will have to find pearly excuses to post photos of them, as well. And yes, I made the tree. Was really quick - maybe an hour? - and about 75 feet of black wire... A fun little project.

95 degrees, Nerida? You definitely have my sympathy. I grew up in southern California heat, but I much prefer the bay area fog...

Very creative, Sheri.
That's a great way to store pendants and earrings.
See at a glance which to wear today.
What a beautiful collection! Love the cat, too. Where does Spackle's name come from? Seems like there may be a story involved.

Hair balls.....LMAO

So, in the worst case scenario...pearl balls?
What a beautiful collection! Love the cat, too. Where does Spackle's name come from? Seems like there may be a story involved.

So, in the worst case scenario...pearl balls?
I got coffee on myself.:rolleyes:
Wow, that is fabulous! I wouldn't be able to display my pearls that way however, for then my husband would know how much I have ;)

I think it looks great for Halloween too!
Wow, that is fabulous! I wouldn't be able to display my pearls that way however, for then my husband would know how much I have ;)

I think it looks great for Halloween too!

I confess I've had that thought myself and then found a good reason for telling him about whatever my recent purchase was. Like "Honey would you consider getting me this or that for our anniversary?" and then, "Oh good" so when It comes in he's prepared. Our household rule of thumb is if it's more than a hundred dollars over the budget we discuss it. Hard to do with good quality pearls. They are almost always over a hundred, else why buy them? (I should raise the bar to $1,000.00.)


P.S. He does ask me now and then, "Honey, how many pearls do you have". Somehow I never can find them all to display at once.
Hey, I can't keep them all in one place, what if a burgler breaks in?
Hair balls.....LMAO

Mikeyy, I'm afraid you have me there...since Nerida hasn't stepped in yet, I need a translation!

And Heidi, Spackle's name was pure chance - he was a stray who decided to adopt us, we initially thought he was a she, I had "Lulu" in mind, then when the vet informed us that it was a he who had "lost his manhood", had to come up with a name on the spot. As it happens, we were in the midst of major house repairs, and this was what popped into my head. Somehow, it seems to fit him; he's a very spunky cat. Lucky, too...just think, he could be named "Grout"...

I confess I've had that thought myself and then found a good reason for telling him about whatever my recent purchase was. Like "Honey would you consider getting me this or that for our anniversary?" and then, "Oh good" so when It comes in he's prepared. Our household rule of thumb is if it's more than a hundred dollars over the budget we discuss it. Hard to do with good quality pearls. They are almost always over a hundred, else why buy them? (I should raise the bar to $1,000.00.)


P.S. He does ask me now and then, "Honey, how many pearls do you have". Somehow I never can find them all to display at once.
Hey, I can't keep them all in one place, what if a burgler breaks in?

Lol! I can SO relate to all this! :eek: