Do you know if they cleaned the pearls as part of the fee? Or am I being really ignorant to even ask that question? I'll apologize ahead of time, ok?
I don't know? I didn't ask. Is that something I should be asking?
Do you know if they cleaned the pearls as part of the fee? Or am I being really ignorant to even ask that question? I'll apologize ahead of time, ok?
Why are south sea / tahitian pearls more?
Why is a Mercedes more expensive to repair than a Daewoo?[or why does my main parachute cost 5 dollars to pack - but the emergency parachute 100 dollars] (That was a hubby comment)
My FIL would have said, though, "never, ever, let anyone else pack your parachute".
He was an Israeli paratrooper. They are fussy (-:
Mary, It could be that the pearl threader had a grip like a monkey and they are too tight, tension can play a big part when threading.
The threader has to make sure it is balanced before finishing off.
I reckon your pearls will have to be rethreaded.
My Eli says: "Skydivers - sport jumpers - pack their own, nobody else wants the jumper's mess on their conscience. But Israeli paratroops (the soldiers) have their chutes packed by professionals - the lady packers at jump school. When you jump with a weapon and 30 kilo of equipment, you only want the very best. You can bet your life on the work they do. I did."
Orrrr.....If they were strung on silk, soak the longer strand and gently stretch it bead by bead, when wet. If it won't stretch enough, you will have to get it restrung. And, Bernadette is right there in Australia!