Pearl shopping in NYC

Great photos of mouth-watering pearls!

I am especially drawn into the luster of the SS pearl in the 3rd photo of post #19-- it seems like you can look deep into the pearl. Thank you for posting these!
Hi, Waimeamomi,

Is the South Sea keshi in the top 3 photos of post #19 the same pearl as the far right one in post #14? If so, HOORAY!!! I started to read this thread way too late and, when I saw post #14, hoped that you had gotten that pearl.

It's a real find, that one (well, all of them are, but that one speaks to me!). I'm glad you got all three of the big ones. Sueki is right--life is short! If something brings you happiness, by all means, get it! :)

Is the South Sea keshi in the top 3 photos of post #19 the same pearl as the far right one in post #14?

Yes, it's the same, and the big one is the same too, but the smaller (?!) one in #14 is not the one I have. I'm not going to say got, because I'm not there with those 2 yet. The pastel colored one is very interesting. Not as dramatic or for the blue lovers, but really interesting and I think may have to stay with the keshis, although that will take the price up, up, up. Or maybe that's the one I keep for myself. :D I want them all, but like puppies, they are just with me to find good homes. :rolleyes: