Recession is nothing new, I am old enough to remember the one in early 90s, when I was in negative equity for more than 12k GBP for my shoebox of a flat in central London, that I bought in late 1989, and then changed job shortly afterwards.
Oh yes, I did not see it coming around the corner alright
I sat tight, worked my ar$e off, tightened my belt, no holidays or any luxuries for about 3y etc... Eventually things started to pick up again. It helped that I had good job securities along the way.
I shall take the same approach this time, no unnecessary expenditures and extravagence etc... Luckily, next year's holidays have already been paid for, and my job looks secure for at least another year. Hopefully, I shall ride this recession out like the last one.
I do not have to cut down on any luxuries yet, however, that's probably because I don't have any in the first place.
Except for jewellery
Good luck everyone on PG, I hope this recession does not affect you too much