Pearl retail market in USA today

I like the comment that things will be better after the elections, but, I thought that this extended beyond the states. Some sort of economic collapse of global proportions. Although I sincerely hope not.
I like the comment that things will be better after the elections, but, I thought that this extended beyond the states. Some sort of economic collapse of global proportions. Although I sincerely hope not.
When the U.S. sneezes the world catches a cold. Sadly.
Ha, Mikeyy the optimist! I will let you know how my sales go over the next few weeks. I have a huge calendar of markets and fairs in the lead up to the Christmas season, and usually have a good idea of how I will do at particular fairs... this all gets underway as of tomorrow evening, and I will be interested to see how sales are affected. My prediction? Like Jeremy- lower $$/sale, but volume still high.... let's see.
I'm more concerned about the Aussie Dollar myself. It was even with the U.S. buck in July. Now its at $1.53. Most of that in the last couple of weeks. Good time for me to buy your dollars. Better then the stock market in the short term. Maybe I should visit while my dollar is worth something. :D
America has more than sneezed and the world seems to have caught at the least a very bad dose of 'flu.
Currency exchange is very volatile.
But the price of oil has now plummeted so it will be interesting to see if energy prices fall again, after being put up because oil shot up about six months ago. Interbank lending rates have dropped which is also a very good sign that the big financial wheels are slowly starting to turn again.
I think this started before the 'experts' noticed and I think we are starting to go out of it before they notice too - at least as it affects we small businesses and as ordinary people if our finances were reasonable before it all went kabluey
Really though, isn't there always something to complain about? Everyone I talk to in the US or Europe is moaning on about the economy, every farmer I talk to here in French Polynesia rolls their eyes and flinches about the situation and it seems like wherever you go it's doom and gloom like Mikeyy in his wisdom says. I found myself part of that whole movement and it infected my every thought as my posts on this forum from a few months ago will show. I say STOP though. As soon as I decided that I wasn't buying it, things have been going better. I'm not less indebted and my farm isn't technically OK yet but it will be. I know that things will be good for my farm in a short period of time and that started with a decision to make it that way and stop complaining.
Josh, I am with you with this spirit. Life is going on, economies and people will have to adapt somehow, and the show should go. Yes, now it may be a different period, even a long different period. But as economic literature shows, the world has gone in the last 200 years through a number of those waves, they are in fact cyclical, and becoming more frequent. But always in the deepest part of the wave all minds and resources were strongly mobilized, and that was giving a push to a new rise, on a new technological basis.
Really though, isn't there always something to complain about? Everyone I talk to in the US or Europe is moaning on about the economy, every farmer I talk to here in French Polynesia rolls their eyes and flinches about the situation and it seems like wherever you go it's doom and gloom like Mikeyy in his wisdom says. I found myself part of that whole movement and it infected my every thought as my posts on this forum from a few months ago will show. I say STOP though. As soon as I decided that I wasn't buying it, things have been going better. I'm not less indebted and my farm isn't technically OK yet but it will be. I know that things will be good for my farm in a short period of time and that started with a decision to make it that way and stop complaining.

Oh Ya! Thats what I'm talkin' about. We'll be right. If we all turn off the news we might all be better off. Good attitude.
Really though, isn't there always something to complain about? Everyone I talk to in the US or Europe is moaning on about the economy, every farmer I talk to here in French Polynesia rolls their eyes and flinches about the situation ...

Same here. There's a large gap between media and workable news... even about economic matters. 'Tad silly, until one remembers that news are a business too. I've given up the box (TV, that is) and newspapers a long while ago although I need to be very tuned in for work purposes and I'm not living on a remote Pacific island... :rolleyes:
Alright Ana, glad to hear it. I took a class in college that was about exactly that: showing how media is business and the role of business in that context is to make money not anything else. The teacher called what fills newspapers and television at 95% "fluff." And that has always stuck with me.
With the internet though nowhere is truly remote anymore. If I choose to tune into the news I just go on Yahoo and it's there, all the fluff I want. Yesterday I clicked on a title that said something to the effect of "Christian Right attacks Obama" which took me to a video of some dude who had had an Obama sign burned in his yard. It made me laugh out loud because not only did it have nothing to do with the "Christian Right", the man himself as well as his neighbors were saying, "well, it might just be an isolated incident. This is a pretty nice town." I think I'll go read a book.
That must have been a good college...

With the internet though nowhere is truly remote anymore.

Something like that... 'the faster it flows, the darker it gets' (a Romanian saying about muddy water & grapevine, approx. translated) :rolleyes:
Ah... the ups and downs of globalization. But seriously, if we had primitive communication and transportation, the same economic problems would have completely different effects on the world as a whole.
The owner of a garden centre was on the news today. He had been turned down by his bank for a small (under ?3k) overdraft facility. This was portrayed as horrid horrid bank.
However: he had five staff and had taken only ?470 in the whole of September. He was not doing anything new to bring in custom.
On that record I would have refused him as well....recession or no
Recession is nothing new, I am old enough to remember the one in early 90s, when I was in negative equity for more than 12k GBP for my shoebox of a flat in central London, that I bought in late 1989, and then changed job shortly afterwards.

Oh yes, I did not see it coming around the corner alright :rolleyes:

I sat tight, worked my ar$e off, tightened my belt, no holidays or any luxuries for about 3y etc... Eventually things started to pick up again. It helped that I had good job securities along the way.

I shall take the same approach this time, no unnecessary expenditures and extravagence etc... Luckily, next year's holidays have already been paid for, and my job looks secure for at least another year. Hopefully, I shall ride this recession out like the last one.

I do not have to cut down on any luxuries yet, however, that's probably because I don't have any in the first place.

Except for jewellery :rolleyes: :D

Good luck everyone on PG, I hope this recession does not affect you too much :)

DK :)
It's easy for me to turn the news off. All I have to do is not go to the store and buy a newspaper. No TV in this household.

Thanks Josh. I'm glad we're not the only 'nuts' on the block. We turned our TV off years ago. We do listen to public broadcasting on the radio and watch the occasional movie and now with the election it is definitely time to know what we can about the candidates so we can exercise our democratic responsibility and vote but bleck, has it ever dragged us into the muck on a daily basis.
I really appreciate your candor and common senses approach. I'm going to show this blog to my hubby. He was saying last night that he couldn't sleep because the whole thing was starting to depress him.
He'll feel better after reading this.
that's right - rub in about the blue ocean and the warmth there Josh - here it is cold and forecast to be colder this week, and it has rained a month's worth in the last three days.