Pearl Parure from the Munich Jewelry Show


Sep 18, 2006
Whoa- I was reading the latest issue of Pala Gems, when I came across some gorgeous pictures they took of some crown jewels currently housed in the Natural History Museum of Munich while they were visiting the African Jewels portion of the Munich Jewelry Show. They are absolutely delectable and I thought I'd take a sec to share before heading out for the weekend. Feast your eyes, ye pearl lovers and drool... :cool:

Parure Brussels Munich Show.jpg
Natural Pearl and Diamond Parure

Pearl Parure Brussels Crown Jewels.jpg
Close Up - Amazing Details!!

Bavarian Crown Jewels.JPG
The Bavarian Crown Jewels

Palatine Crown.JPG
The Palatine Crown aka the Bohemian Crown - possibly one of the prettiest I've ever seen! Features Sapphires, Natural Pearls, Rubies, Emeralds, Diamonds and Fine Enamel on Gold

St George Statue.JPG
An incredible statuette of St. George - I would love to see this in person.

St George.JPG
Up Close Detail featuring natural pearls, rubies, enamel and Opals for the stallion's eyes :)

Enjoy you guys! :)
Now I know why I would want to revisit Munich...

- Karin
I believe the first pic shows what is known as a stomacher intended to decorate the front of a lady's gown in the older days. A beautiful piece indeed.

DK :)
The pics are great! My gut reaction when I see pieces like that are to ask the security guards if they can just lock me in the room for the night and let me try everything on as long as it's all back in place by morning. :) Thanks for sharing!
I feel more like asking them to hand me the keys, turn their back, and forget they ever saw me or the gems :D I wonder where you can buy one of the Men In Black things...

- Karin