Pearl Paradise Naturals


Thanks! In my post I had intended to say 'blister' vs. mabe. In any case, it seems your pearl is a true freeform (non-digestive tract) ab, and a huge one?50 carats+? Conservative California ab pricing gives you $5K valuation just for the pearl (although I know this is not the source of your justifiable pride?).

Here is La Panda and a couple of other H. fulgens abs purchased from Pearl Paradise during the past year (La Catalina not included?it's simply unworkable). My first feeling is that La Panda's frontal profile does not deliver what PP's angle shot promised, and that it may be best used in ensemble. But in the hands of a good jeweler it does have potential (working on Druzy, the idea of an ab counterpart to the Sea of Cortez mabe remains attractive, as an enhancer). Unfortunately Carolyn Ehret is extremely busy preparing to meet all of you in Tuscon next month:(. But this will give some time to ponder.


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La Patricia is indeed a beautiful pearl, but not as beautiful as her wearer! That appraisal from Steve, oh my! Pattye, did you have any idea? Perhaps you did. Obviously I can't wait to see how La Panda (I'm still giddy about that :)) is set. She's beautiful enough to stand alone, that's for sure.
Oh my, that is a very surprising appraisal! I have not actually had it appraised, although it is in the works eventually. I certainly didn't pay anywhere near that--although I can't remember exactly the amount--recall somewhere between $1000-1400?? Perhaps I did get a very good deal. I certainly didn't feel I was being a bit budget-minded that day, but we all know how it is when we get bewitched by a pearl!

Steve, you have some lovely abs, and have started a real trend, naming the pearls, even if they don't have the remarkable history of the Pipis.

Your compliment is very kind, Knotty, and I thank you.

I think we all should name our favorite pearls, or strands, at least some of them.

so many pearls, so little time

Lots of variables, not the least of which is the actual carat weight of that pearl! But if it is in the neighborhood of 50carats, just look at Pearl Paradise's current abalone pearl offering for a quick comparison, taking into account shape and color as well. And as we all know, Pearl Paradise (as many on-line sellers) does not charge retail.

We started our pearl stash with a named piece, if a trend does take root let's all promise to do our best to make sure that the named pearls are at least as unique as the names themselves, and that the names reflect a real sense of endearment and pride of ownership.
