pearl nucleus questions


New Member
Jun 16, 2014
This is a continuation of a closed thread I started a year ago.

In the education section of this site, it is stated that a nucleus must have the same density and coefficient of expansion of mother of pearl. However, Galatea pearls use gemstones as nuclei, which are far different in botj properties when compared to mother of pearl. Why must the nucleus be similar in density? What is the coefficient of expansion of mother of pearl? I've looked everywhere and can't find out. Why don'y Galatea pearls disintigrate when subjected to temperature/humidity variations, considering the massive difference in expansion coefficients between saphire and mother of pearl?

Also, it seems that most pearls are drilled to accept 22-24 gauge wire. Would a non-pearl gem or a pearl with a non-shell nucleus be drilled to this small diameter, or would it have a larger hole? I have tried drilling glass with steel bits (0.5mm) without luck. The bit won't penetrate at all. I've never seen a diamond bit with a diameter small er than 1mm. Water pressure drilling doesn't produce holes smaller than about 1mm. Laser drilling can't go more than a few mm deep, So, to what diameter are harder gems or pearls nucleated with material harder than shell drilled?

Finally, what are the largest shell nuclei that can be purchased, and from where can they be purchased? These would be used for a craft project.
All reasonable questions to ask and good for discussion.

As for Galatea, am quite certain his techniques for nucleating with gemstones are closely guarded. There is a failure rate with all nucleation, so I would think his process would suffer losses also. I don't know exactly how long he has been doing the gem nucleus, but I met him and saw his work in Tucson, 2008. They are quite amazing. How the pieces will hold up before degrading, only time will tell, is my opinion. I don't feel it would happen quickly. I have been aware of Galatea using citrine, turquoise and manmade opal, but was not aware of him using sapphire.

Over time there has been and I'm certain still is, on going experimentation with various material for nucleus, some of which are discussed on other threads of this forum.

Pearls drilled and strung in hanks for mass market are generally drilled within a small size range, usually about 0.70mm. It somewhat depends on the size of the pearl, what size hole is drilled. Currently some freshwater and Tahitians are being drilled with 1.0mm+ holes for crafters and designers to use with heavier cord, silk or leather. A number of pearls are sold loose and undrilled.

Gem and stone beads of all hardness are drilled, some with small, others with large holes, 2.0mm at least. What kinds of drills and techniques are used, I don't know.

I have no idea where you would purchase nuclei. The mop beads I've seen in person are not highly polished, nor are they drilled. Mother of pearl beads are available online any number of places, and might be more appropriate for a craft project.
Great info, thanks. 0.70 mm holes? Are larger pearls of better quality generally drilled a little smaller? I've heard that while most pearls can accommodate 22 gauge wire (0.644 mm), those that are finer accept 24 gauge wire (0.511 gauge). Any thoughts on this? Thanks.
This is so weird - this thread did not pop up on the feed at all until today!
Unfortunately I don't have any input since I"m a consumer.
But thank you all for the interesting info & discussion!
Most freshwaters seem to be drilled at .7 and most of the Tahitians and SS I've got were drilled at .9 ... I've never received any drilled at 1.0 but it is offered by sellers as Pattye noted for folks who want to make something with cord or leather. Cant help with the suppliers but Pattye has handled that !! She's so knowledgeable and efficient... and she sells great beading thread .... :)
Hmmm, adding my 2 cents on hole size (does size really matter?)...I find that I like the heft of the heavier Beader's Secret on larger pearls...feels more secure. I drill those at 1.0mm. Most of my other Tahitians are drilled at .8mm. For leather, I use a larger hole size, either 1.5 or 2.0 mm...but that depends on the thickness of the leather/cord I am using. I am drilling freshwaters at .8mm, and using 1.0mm for the last four pearls on a strand (to make the final pass back a tad easier).

ETA: on drilling for wire wraps, I try to get as close to the wire size as possible without too much excess room. In most cases, I'm drilling at .8mm and using 22 or 24 gauge wire. Gauge of wire depends on size of the chain, as I never want things to look too bulky.
Pearl nucleus
- mainly made from Mississippi River Freshwater Mussel Shells and Chinese Freshwater Shells
- for the species, wont describe here as there are at least 6 types that are widely being used by the various cultivators around the world
- if you want to buy them, try Fukui Shell Nucleus Factory, they supply to Paspaley, Robert Wan, Jeweler, etc...

Galatea pearl
- those are semi-precious gemstones (e.g. turquoise)

What makes a good pearl nucleus, must satisfy the following two conditions
- you can drill them without breaking
- your pearl nucleus material doesn't kill the pearl oyster