Pearl necklace


New Member
Nov 19, 2009
I have a white pearl necklace (the pearls are real--that's all I know about them) with 60 pearls on the strand. There is also a 14kt gold carat clasp. I have taken them to a consignment store where, coincidentally the owner has a friend whose husband is a certified gemologist. I took them in there and she offered to take them to that guy who looked at them, and said they were worth about $5000. I am wondering how accurate this is. Note: I haven't paid for an official appraisal yet!! (It will be $45). But I am kind of in awe of how valuable these pearls are by this guy's estimate; as they were a gift from my great-aunt. She had apparently been giving me a few pearls every year since I was about 10 (I'm now 20) and had them recently strung into a necklace. I just dont know if she'd drop 5k on me her godchild; I know she's well-off, but that well-off?? I'd really like to believe that they are worth that much but I just don't know. I want to make sure I don't get screwed over! Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Sorry. That really won't be of any help. You need to know what size, type and quality to determine value. A picture would probably tell us most of that, but it has to be a picture of the actual piece...
that helps*

Sorry...I probably should have taken a picture when I had them...I will be having them returned to me hopefully next week though.
Pictures Of Pearl Necklace And Earrings--please Take A Look!!!

Pictures Of Pearl Necklace And Earrings--please Take A Look!!!

I am posting camera-phone-quality pictures (sorry!) of my pearl necklace and earrings. This is the only camera I currently have access to.

Please provide any feedback on the type of pearls these are, if possible, and what they will go for.

Do note that they seem perfectly round up close, and are quite shiny. I can see my reflection in them, although not perfectly clearly. They do have an ivory tint when placed on white paper.

Thank you :)
I responded to your other thread but I'll say again, they look to be around 7-8mm, maybe smaller akoya pearls, its hard to tell for sure with the pics.

For something comparable online it might be $300-$600 could be several thousand dollars to replace them in a high end jewelry store.

Keep in mind I'm just throwing that out there as you haven't provided enough information to tell you anything specific about those pearls.
I hope your Godmother isn't hoping to see you in the necklace soon. ;)