Pearl Harbor Day


Well-known member
May 13, 2015
Today is Pearl Harbor Day. Does anyone know where it got it's name. Not the day, the harbor.

I was only able to find this little bit of info on my Google search:

Called Pu'uloa, meaning "long hill," or Wai Momi, literally, "water of pearl," by early Hawaiians, Pearl Harbor, so named because of the abundance of pearls once found within its protected waters, is the largest natural harbor in the State of Hawaii and the number one visitor destination on Oahu.
Good question, BWeaves. I'll ask around today to see if any of the vets I know have any insight
Thank you. That was a very interesting article. I don't know why I didn't think of looking on Kari Pearls website. I do go there occasionally to ogle natural pearls.