Pearl-Guide Ruckus 2015

The ruckus was such a wonderful weekend of sharing with friends, old and new. It is a lot of fun to ogle each others' goodies (and shop), but it was also such a fun and relaxing weekend of visiting with a lovely group of people who have been brought together by a common interest, but also have so much more to share.

A big thank you to our hosts, Jeremy and Hisano, all the other people at PP who take such great care of us, the presenters who shared their knowledge and humor with us, Lucy and Ethel for their help with the event and the wonderful photos and reports that come after, and everyone else who made this event so fantastic! I look forward to 2016. (But now what do I do for the rest of 2015, lol.)
I just want to encourage readers to visit Kojima Pearl Blog, Sarah has a fabulous post on the 2015 Ruckus with photos on her blog, along with blog posts on her recent visit to the Sea of Cortez vacation at harvest time. Priceless!
So, I haven't gotten around to posting my acquisitions. Amazingly natural purple strand from Sarah, Purple Edison pair and some faboo Keishis from Mikeyy and 3 pairs of those unbelievable Tahitian Keishis from Hisano & Jeremy. (we kind of raided her stash!! and she was very gracious about it.) I'm going to make studs with the keishis, mmm. I know it had an impact because today I had arthroscopic surgery on my knee this morning and when I was coming out of the anesthesia I was dreaming/hallucinating about pearls and the people mentioned above. Talk about subconscious!
A few more photos from the ruckus that I took during an impromptu show-and-tell in the "Pistachio" room at the mansion.

A comparison of the Tahitian blues. KaySD's large round Rikitea strand is in front, Newberry's baroques are in the middle, and my Rikitea strand is at the top of the photo. All from Pearl Paradise.


It was a delight to see Newberry's birthday rope of pastel mixed color Tahitians. The story is that Jeremy was encouraging her to choose the silver pistachio drop strand that I eventually purchased a few months later. You can clearly see in person that Newberry's rope has the distinctly silver blue look that she was going for. I'm glad she got what she wanted. Her rope is simply gorgeous.


The next photo shows how light Newberry's new pastel Tahitians are compared to her blue baroques.


Finally, several of Newberry's Tahitian necklaces, including her new necklace from Kojima with the most incredibly organically shaped green Tahitian drop. The necklace on the right is her Fat Sisters-Loot2 strand from last summer. What a treat to be able to admire them in person. A terrific ruckus memory for me.

Red -- thanks for sharing your wonderful photos!!!
Can never ever get enough pictures of "Black" Pearls. No visions of dancing Sugar plums for me, just Tahitians! LoL

A few more photos from the ruckus that I took during an impromptu show-and-tell in the "Pistachio" room at the mansion.

A comparison of the Tahitian blues. KaySD's large round Rikitea strand is in front, Newberry's baroques are in the middle, and my Rikitea strand is at the top of the photo. All from Pearl Paradise.

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It was a delight to see Newberry's birthday rope of pastel mixed color Tahitians. The story is that Jeremy was encouraging her to choose the silver pistachio drop strand that I eventually purchased a few months later. You can clearly see in person that Newberry's rope has the distinctly silver blue look that she was going for. I'm glad she got what she wanted. Her rope is simply gorgeous.

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The next photo shows how light Newberry's new pastel Tahitians are compared to her blue baroques.

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Finally, several of Newberry's Tahitian necklaces, including her new necklace from Kojima with the most incredibly organically shaped green Tahitian drop. The necklace on the right is her Fat Sisters-Loot2 strand from last summer. What a treat to be able to admire them in person. A terrific ruckus memory for me.

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Thanks Red, comparison photos are so enlightening! Delightful!
Thank You Everyone, for posting pics that make we who stayed home feel like we were almost enchanted mice looking in on the party.
I especially loved the pictures of ----- everything-----

Oh WOW!!!!!
Thank you for all those amazing photos and for letting us share your fantastic 2015 Ruckus!
I've been very remiss. I meant to start a thread on my Ruckus experience but never got to it. I'll share some photos, instead:

Some mansion shots:

flameballs and mings


Akoyas, flameballs, mings, and baroques

Stacking my pearls
