Pearl Greed?!


Nov 11, 2012
I'm not exactly sure if this thread should go under Tahitian Pearls or the Lowly Beaders Club, but I recently bought a second-hand strand of heavily circled teal colored Tahitian pearls. In addition to the strand, there are 5 extra matching pearls. My thought was that it could be broken up into several smaller projects, like bracelets, and I could maybe keep one of them. Waaah! Now that I have it, I love it and want to keep it as a necklace all for myself. Am I alone here in buying pearls for projects or gifts and then being overcome by pearl greed and wanting to keep them?! :mad:

For the life of me, I can't capture the vivid teal overtones, but they are very apparent in person, which is the best thing about these pearls. The lovely person who sold them to me had a great true to life photo of them, so I'll show that along with my neckshot, which doesn't do them justice but shows the size. I still think it would make some awesome bracelets because of the fabulous little pearls you can't see too well along the sides and back. The ones in front aren't the best ones at all. But I can't help it. I just want to wear them ALL. Not good. Bad bluebirrrd.

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Welcome to the club :) And I hate to say this, because we want you around, but spending time on PG is not going to help you in the least as far as controlling the pearl greed. You'll have fun while you stray, though.

Lovely pearls! Teal is my all-time favorite color. I would a strand of pistachio or teal Tahitians.

- Karin
Great colors!

I'm really the only person I make things for. My daughter isn't into jewelry at all yet, and while I've made a few strands for my mother, she seems to prefer wearing the same thing day in and day out (a necklace give to her by her mother years ago.)

Bracelets are not the only way to be able to see all those colorful smaller pearls. You could make a multi-strand bib section that would be fully visible in the front, connecting on the right and left sides with single-strand sections that would go around the back of your neck to a clasp. These connecting sections could perhaps be silver chain, or silver beads.
Hi Bluebirrrd, I hate to admit to it, but yes! it can be a big problem. I (We) love pearls , and its not unusual to want to keep everything until we're tempted by trading up. (It may be harder to let pearls go if one has another way to support oneself.)

O, The strongest of us may beg to differ, because they've managed to subdue this tendency and grow a business. I think having to live off the profits might have something to do with it. Maybe even paying bills, or employees (!) drives them from strength to strength.

(But I think even Jeremy likes it a whole lot better if his 'special babies' pearls go to good homes)

It's easy to personalize pearls, and to be reluctant to 'release' them to those who might not appreciate them fully. It takes a lot of repetition before it becomes a comfortable behavior, but it's do-able. Be brave, hang in there long enough and the drive to trade up will kick in. (((You'll be OK.)))
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Yes! and Amrita is among the successful Pearl Businesspeople! She Knows​!

I find what does happen on a smaller scale is that you use the extra money to buy your way into better pearls. That can be an insentive to sell your first loves. Plus in time you'll have enough pearls to not need to keep them all because you couldn't possibly wear them all. You'll also find your personal preference and be able to pass on the ones that don't call to you as loudly :)

- Karin
The pearls may be heavily circled, however, the colours are amazing!

Pearl greed I have too, and see nothing wrong with it!

I'd be feeling greedy with those pearls on my hot little neck too! Beautiful colors on those, I love the circled tahitians too :) I have also bought several things to give as gifts and have thus far, failed to give a single one :( Maybe I'll find it a little easier as Christmas approaches, hopefully! Enjoy your new beauties, whatever you decide to do with them!
Thank you for your words of wisdom! If I understand correctly, what you're saying is that pearl greed is perfectly acceptable and I should continue to buy more and more pearls and keep them for myself until I have so many that I can finally bear to part with some! Am I catching on? :eek:
Thank you for your words of wisdom! If I understand correctly, what you're saying is that pearl greed is perfectly acceptable and I should continue to buy more and more pearls and keep them for myself until I have so many that I can finally bear to part with some! Am I catching on? :eek:

It's like a bucket of water. No water will leave of its own, free will until the bucket is full. Only then will the water overflow :D

- Karin
Thank you for your words of wisdom! If I understand correctly, what you're saying is that pearl greed is perfectly acceptable and I should continue to buy more and more pearls and keep them for myself until I have so many that I can finally bear to part with some! Am I catching on? :eek:

You got it! But believe me there will come a time when you decide to part with some of them- when you find the right person and the right occasion, but it will happen!
A bluebird definitely needs to wear her blue pearls as often as possible! Not greedy at all, just makes sense :)
It's like a bucket of water. No water will leave of its own, free will until the bucket is full. Only then will the water overflow :D

- Karin

I like that! Yes, until you have "enough" for yourself, it is hard to part with the beauties.
I recognize the guilty feeling, but I have given up at least as many things as the ones I've kept. It only means that if the pearls speak to you, you can't give them up. :)
I admit. I'm a pearl hoarder. I have this great source:p and my collection is growing.
The teal, blue and purple Tahitians are hard to find colors and I was able to make a strand of necklace and a bracelet for an custom order sorting through about 2 kilos of loose pearls this summer.
It's such a beautiful color...I say definitely keep it and have fun with it!!!
And you are in such an enviable position to hoard pearls, Hisano... Or maybe not enviable. I can't see how I would be able to contain myself :)

- Karin
Karin, your quote is too funny but the problem, I think, is bucket size! Hopefully my bucket will be small and will overflow sooner :p

It is definitely the color of the teal circle strand that caught me by surprise and I've decided to keep them - guilt free! They have a lot of personality and were an awesome deal. I could never afford a top blue strand so I'd be crazy to part them out.

To make amends, I went and bought some new "project pearls," lol. Fingers crossed that I actually follow through this time. Please don't flame me for these. Again, a great deal and I hope they're at least real because I like them and have a fun idea for them. I don't have them in hand, so wish me luck. And may my pearl greed be tempered to just the right proportions. Whatever those are.

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