Whew....glad we're thinking about this NOW, as my schedule early next year is already getting jammed. I'd hate to miss the opportunity for a combined HK show/Macau bungee jump/Flower Island ruckus!!! I see that the HK show is February 16-20. I also see that that is supposed to be a nice time of year to visit the Philippines in terms of climate. I'm IN, but I would need to be able to confirm the dates a.s.a.p., as some other tentative plans would have to be changed. Would the Flower Island extension happen before or after the shopping orgy?
If this is going to happen in 2012, can we please try to pin down the timing soon??? Hoping it works out!!!
Jeremy, if you're following this thread, do you suppose you might be able to give interested parties some idea of the anticipated cost? Not including HK shopping allowance, of course... Having done the trip, I know you'd be much more knowledgeable than us neophytes... ;o)