Pearl education

  • Thread starter Thread starter vainglorious
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Is it necessary to get a formal education on pearls, like to get a degree in aquaculture, to start my own pearl farm? What do I need to know to start culturing pearls, is there a school that specialized in this? Thank you.
This is a difficult question to answer. Pearl farming is not the easiest of enterprises and there is no school that I have ever heard of teaching the methods. But if you are serious about this venture I feel I can point you in the right direction.
First, the only book I know of is:
The basics of pearl farming: A layman's manual
This book was written by Maria Chloe Haws.
The best source I know of for information related to pearl farming is Mr. Paul Cross, from Island Pearls. His company can provide everything from the nuclei to the chemicals and training needed. If you would like his email please send me a PM as I do not want to post it here without his permission.

Depending on where you plan to start a pearl farm you may need local support as well. I currently have a partner living in China with whom I have mutually invested in a new pearl farm. He has a lot of experience in farming and we have developed mutual trust over the years. I would not have considered attempting a new farm without his assistance.

I hope I have been of help.