pearl drilling and mounting pre 1600

  • Thread starter Thread starter Satine De La Courcel
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Satine De La Courcel

Hi All...

I am seeking any reference to specific pearl drilling technique as well as setting pearls in/on Jewellery pre 1600.. I can find reference to knowtting for necklaces. I have found in Pearls a Natural History on Page 18 there is a woodcut from 17th C which is too late. It shows a bow technique, But I can not find any description of the technique or any of teh instruments used for it...

And in The Book of the Pearl by George F Kunz, There is reference to drilling ans how delicate teh procedure is, From pages 378-385 but again no reference as to years for any of these descriptions, or how these instruments were used let alone made... I can not make any assumptions as to years the Clsoed year I can find is 1609 but that is too late... I need pre 1600 references. descriptions etc... My goal is to re-create these tedhnique with pre 1600 instruments I have made myself. any and all help, direction and Guidance will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


I was reading through old threads and I came across this one. I am not sure why I did not see it before.
From the early Roman times people that "drill" pearls have always been referred to as those who "pierce" or "perforate" pearls (they were called Diatretarii according to Donkin). I am not sure what exact devices were used during late B.C. or early AD, but well prior to the 1600 a specific device was used that I will try best to describe below.

There are 3 main parts to the device; a bow, an awl, and a rectangular box which snugly fit multiple pearls.
The spinning awl was fitted with a spool-like device which the bow wrapped around. When the bit was placed against the pearl and the bow moved back and forth the pearl was drilled. Very similar to the old boy-scout method of starting a fire. Can you picture it?
Dear Ashby,
I'm just curious! It seems interesting that you will attempt to drill pearls with the historic method. Would you be willing to post pictures of your finished pearls? What made you decide to drill in this primitive fashion?
Thanks Jeremy,

Sice My original post I finally purchased the Book: Pearls a Natural History by Neil Landman, on Page 18 there is a 17th Century Woodcut of the Method you describe.

I have also found out recently that the 1609 reference from Kunz' Book is acceptable Documentation.. as close to 1600 as possible is what I am looking for.. I had not though of looking into anything in BC or Early AD...hmmm... Maybe later I will look into that......

Thank you for the Additional Information, I really appreciate all your help!
Hi Amanda,

To answer your Questions, I am a historical re-enactor enthusiast. Timeframe is 800-1600ish (Depening on who you talk to)......who loves, Obsesses, adores, nuts over (pick one...) pearls.... I have used pearls in my costuming and Tend to create "Personas" that in history would have had pearl
adornment in some fashion.. Byzantine, Italian mid to high Renaissance, Elizabethan, .. I am also an avid beader by using real FWP pearls and semi precious stone beads such as amber, amethyst, and garnet whenever possible and within budget always kicks things up a notch.....

For a "WOW" factor... My Intent its to make a functional "period" way of Drilling holes into pearls that I can do during our arts and sciences competitions as well as actually using the drilled pearls on garb or in Jewellery I make myself...

This is going to be along process to get the technique as well as teh tools correct.. as soon as I have done so, Yes I will post pictures, However I anticipate it will take a long time...