Lagoon Island Pearls
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To answer your comment; the 4 Corners programme is produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (the ABC for short). It is a purely government funded entity ... It's focus can be on the "little man" (you could say) with what, at times, can be considered determental reporting towards big business and the government. It is not uncommon for people in this country to accuse it of being the "left wing media" if they see reports, editorials or general news reports that do not appeal to them.
On the flip side people also accuse the ABC of going too easy on topics if people find that they don't completely agree with the coverage.
Irrespective of which side they take, they took a side nonetheless. Their attribution is horrible, as is their selective hearing when it came to interviewing concerned parties. Aside from diving, I am media savvy, having contributed as a stringer, location scout and producing difficult shots.
That episode was clearly determined beforehand, they would create a sensational report, likely as a rating scheme. To release an attack such as this whilst an ongoing investigation is pending is despicable and underhanded.
Have you seen the comments on Paspaley's Facebook page? They disgust me. Clearly the producers incited hatred and outgrage for the sake of entertainment. I even saw a string of posters crying "BLOOD PEARLS!!" Give me a F'n break... I wonder how many people are killed on agricultural farms annually. I bet it's a lot. Do you suppose we should be calling them Blood Apples?
I spent 9 years in the West Australian pearl industry. 4 of them as a drift diver.
Which is why I am happy to engage you on this matter, so I may better understand the inner workings of that type of dive system.
I'm providing my point of view to Dave's comments. While he has had numerous years in commercial diving, he hasn't, as far as I know been drift diving on the 80 Mile Beach.
I don't doubt Dave's experience as a commercial diver but unless you've experienced drift diving then I don't think you can extrapolate one from the other.
Fair enough, but likewise the opposite is true. Thousands of Aussies don't know the first thing about any of this either, yet their outrage seems to trump the common sense of those involved.
Commercial diving is like aviation in many aspects. Simply because I never landed in Location X, does not mean I cannot land there safely sometime in the future, because the rules are all the same. From my standpoint or investigation, there is nothing unique in the 80 Mile Beach drift system.
Oxygen is carried on board. It is used on those dives when staging at 10 metres is required. Considering that a trip to sea averages 8 days then yes there is more than enough carried onboard.
Good. So you'd agree there is a considerable level of safety there?
Rough days for a diver isn't something to be too concerned about. After all you are underwater away from the swell.
It's more the deck crew that have it bad.
With respect to air evac people have to realise how remote the areas in which the boats go drifting are. In choppy weather there's no way a sea plane can land. Also access to an easily excessible air strip can be problematic.
I was thinking more on the lines of a helicopter. Seaplanes have a lot more difficulty on open water landings and cannot fly "nape of the earth" to minimize the effects of altitude on injured divers.
You have four years as a drift diver. That's enough time in the water to get a feeling for the industry as a whole. Obviously, you felt it was reasonably safe and profitable otherwise you might not have returned, am I right?
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