Peanut Pearls!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Doug (Integrity Pearls)
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Love the drill of those pearls and how you strung them! Very, very nice! They have great lustre also! Pearls are such unique creatures, aren't they!! I am amazed at the variations in shape and color between strands on a hank.
I bought peanutpearls from Douglas a couple of years ago, they were really cheap and came as a "side product" with my other purchases. However, I do not really appreciate them, I had them as "training objects" with head pins and finally I gave them away as pendants and some as earrings. The girls who got them did love them though (at least that was what I was told):rolleyes:
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I absolutely agree they are an acquired taste. But I'm devoted to mine and get compliments when I wear them. Now I've got the urge to get some more :).
You can get a similar effect with top drilled ellipticals if you twist a couple of strands together - although when you twist six together you not only get a bit tired of the sight of them and wonder why you ever started on the project but decide you need a strong neck (six does look good though)
Both have bracelets to match and i have done the top drilled with pink too - I am working up to doing it with black pearls
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Wendy, I like very much the necklace on the lower photo. It looks very rich. You can design it with endless variety of colors.
Right Knotty?
The torsade with the six top drilled strands is very WOW! And pink. I love pink! How long did it take you to do that and how did you connect it? Did you use gimp? I can't see it in the picture.
I just love it!
The two strand has a silver box clasp and the bottom clasp is one of those interlocking rings clasps - I needed a clasp which did not have any parts which might fail under the weight and even with a box clasp I thought it was maybe asking too much.
It took ages, all knotted and gimp/french wired proper-like.
Wow - great effect Wendy, but I wonder just how many knots in the 6 strand necklace??
I love the bubbles necklace, Cathy.
And those necklaces of Wendy's are gorgeous, too.
Nerida - best not to count the knots or you'll never start the project.....
No, no, no,
Footballers snort; gentlemen choke; women splutter; ladies cough discreetly.....
I haven't heard that before - my family had a variation on the theme:

Horses sweat, gentlemen perspire and ladies glow....
Devotion pearls...

... those would make a really confusing rosary! :p (think of the kind w/o chain or other separation between beads - and with these pearls each bead = two bumps to count by blind fingering!)

Just funny (methinks).
Hi Pearl_dreams,
I'm pretty sure Wendy (Pearlescence) has those clasps in stock....
I haven't heard that before - my family had a variation on the theme:

Horses sweat, gentlemen perspire and ladies glow....

Hi Nerida,
Yes, you're right. I forgot to add the grin when I posted that.
The horses sweat quote is a long-established saying here.
The snort one I made up 'cos I hate to think of ladies snorting.....:D

Especially the refined ladies on here.....:)
Regarding knots:
I used to use only silk but wear my pearls so much that I have to restring a lot. Plus I guess I don't prestretch enough. My initial necklace looks tight with little knots all snug but after a while they relax. The woman who taught me to knot says I should relax. Nobody else would notice but I'd hate to post a picture here that isn't freshly strung. (Little ole' computer dunce me, no fear of that!). I did get a "10.3 for Dummies" the other day so maybe I'll be able to label my pics and post soon.
I tried some of Caitlin's suggestions for stringing, all the time thinking, "I'm never really going to be happy using anything but silk", and darn it wouldn't you know, the necklace I strung with...., I've forgotten what it was, still has the best, tightest knots I've ever done. It took a long time to relax and 'hang out' but the white stayed true and now it looks really good after over eight months.
I'm going to look up all those posts of Caitlins and see if I can remember what she suggested using that I might have strung that necklace with and start using that exclusively. Once I've done that I might try a multilayer torsade like the one above. I haven't been willing to take on a project like that until I knew my thread would stay where I put it.

That would make my horse least about me. You're funny.