Paspaley e-boutique


Pearl Scholar
Dec 26, 2005
Our Nora alerted me about this launch of Paspaley's e-boutique!

Lots of fab photos so we can get our pearl fix! (Small compensation for not being in Tucson this weekend.)

Also great info on how their SS pearls are valued; which is called "5 Virtues of a Pearl," an interactive display that's pretty cool!

Be sure to sign up to be on their email list, too!

Thanks very much, Nora!
Thanks Pattye!

What a way to start the weekend in Pearly Bliss!

The Paspaley's are the undisputable leaders in the Pearl World.
I truly admire their life long persuit to perfection.

I'm going to be a bit of a contrarian here - I've watched Paspaley's marketing campaign over the last 15 years. It has been one of the most intense PR campaigns I have ever witnessed.
Their jewellery designs aren't actually outstanding IMO.
Interestingly, they have clearly invested a LOT of money in their google rankings - any searches for Paspaley plus "overpriced" come up with zero results, which is pretty much impossible that that's a reality online. I don't know enough about pearls to know whether an objective assessment would find their prices to be appropriate - but I do know that a superlative marketing campaign will overwhelm reality every time, and demonstrates that they are quite allergic to the possibility of negative commentary. I don't think a company that's totally confident of its actually quality - as opposed to brand appeal - would need to be quite so controlling of conversations.
If someone can mount a rational case that Paspaley would be as highly regarded without a ten-year marketing blitz, please argue their case with me! I think many of their designs that contain very few pearls and lots of worked metal, seem incredibly expensive - e.g. $11,000 for a white gold bracelet with four (admittedly superb!) pearls.
Marketing is a funny thing Mary and quite necessary.
I do not know any Paspaley's personally. And don't need to.
I'm aware of their operations from a bystander perspective and also have friends in the Australian South Sea Pearl Industry that have been a part of their buisiness.
Bron and I are small South Sea Pearl Farmers, My personal admiration for the Paspaley brand is on the basis of their involvement in the birth of the South Sea Pearl industry from nothing to being the producer of the Best Pearls in the World.
To supply volumes of Gem grade strands of pearl you need to grow very high volumes of pearls. Their research and development over time has put them ahead af all others in quality percentages.
Paspaley has the "Best Pearls in the World" because they have re-invested their own money over fifty odd years in pursuit of volumes of quality pearls.
They have bought out other pearl farmers over the years to grow and strenghten their position in the market.
There is nothing new in this in business. However no one else has done this from the beginning with South Sea Pearls.
As a public forum I should limit my comments on their operations to only that.
Personal opinion is very important with a jewellery purchase Mary. I know several jewellers that upon release of the Paspaley catalouge copy the new designs. This is a very common thing in the industry. If you cannot afford a Paspaley peice, you can buy a replica.
Bron and I, as Australian South Sea Pearl Farmers are quite proud of the position of Paspaley's with their position as World Leaders.
There are many, many people that can not afford a Paspaley, That's where "We" come in.
One last thing on Paspaley's, I'm sure glad I don't have their monthly operating costs.
Hello Rusty,

Great insight.. There is always a lot to consider when looking at any company big or small. What do you know about their environmental/industry practice. It would be great to hear that they also invest in industry leading operational practices, etc.

I had a look at their online assortment and they had a great site that educates and feature stunningly designed pieces. Their designs are unique and are statements that are recognizable. I'm not sure I would like a "copy" of their designs. In fact, I would not invest in anything that is a copy of the original design. Better to focus on the beauty and quality of pearls than attempt to copy jewllery designs.

I love that they use a closure system similar to Cliclasp (or may it is the same) as it does not distract from the pearl strand. I think this is a elegant option when compared to less then exceptional clasps.
I love that they use a closure system similar to Cliclasp (or may it is the same) as it does not distract from the pearl strand. I think this is a elegant option when compared to less then exceptional clasps.

Yes we are using the same closure system and they are compatible.
You pointed it out : "it does not distract from the pearl strand, it's an elegant option" and that's why I like it:o

They made a great job in the 5 virtues section and in my opinon, these 5 V are the best way to assess the beauty of a pearl, wherever they are from, and I am referring to all the time.
I'm going to be a bit of a contrarian here - I've watched Paspaley's marketing campaign over the last 15 years. It has been one of the most intense PR campaigns I have ever witnessed.
Their jewellery designs aren't actually outstanding IMO.
Interestingly, they have clearly invested a LOT of money in their google rankings - any searches for Paspaley plus "overpriced" come up with zero results, which is pretty much impossible that that's a reality online. I don't know enough about pearls to know whether an objective assessment would find their prices to be appropriate - but I do know that a superlative marketing campaign will overwhelm reality every time, and demonstrates that they are quite allergic to the possibility of negative commentary. I don't think a company that's totally confident of its actually quality - as opposed to brand appeal - would need to be quite so controlling of conversations.
If someone can mount a rational case that Paspaley would be as highly regarded without a ten-year marketing blitz, please argue their case with me! I think many of their designs that contain very few pearls and lots of worked metal, seem incredibly expensive - e.g. $11,000 for a white gold bracelet with four (admittedly superb!) pearls.

I quite agree with you. I see no percentage in some of the ways the Paspaleys do things, like their large ships and fleet are just too Texas for me. And don't tell me it is sustainable. Paspaley is a huge edifice with a grandiose turn. I am quite aware that anything bought from them has a huge inflated price. They want the Arab trade and the Texas trade, and they are welcome to it.

In this day and age, there is room for the small Pearl Farmer to market direct to the public, to use human labor and sustainable practices. I think the Paspaleys are an era in pearls, but they will not last, as is.

I for one, given the choice would do it R&B's way. Or buy Kamoka and/or Cortez Pearls. The same quality pearl would be less at R&B's, but come with an authentic experience. The Paspaley experience is sheer fantasy- beyond what it needs to be. But it is not just Disney, where you know it is fantasy; with the Paspaley marketing, you are lead to believe that fantasy is reality. If you get caught in their fantasy, you really do pay far too much for the pearls!!! Too me, that is like a bad hangover, or buyers maximum remorse to wake up from that fantasy and realize you were had by your own snobbery or other such frivolous "needs"!

Only insecure people need to have the Paspaley brand of pearl. Or any highly touted brand, lke Mikimoto. If you go that way, it is about the brand. But if you realize it is about the pearl, and not the brand, your eyes can open to a whole new world of supreme quality that needs no brand.
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What you said brings me to the same question I am wondering for years now:
"I am still very amazed of the price of SS (I also have SS to compare quality,) compared to the quality of FW continuously rising with such various colors and a metallic shine that no other kind of pearl can compete...
what's happen in the coming years? Will only marketing make the difference?"
Good evening all,

Thanks for the compliment Marianne.

Good questions Artpearl. They "ARE" the South Sea Pearl Industry Leaders. Much of what is done in our industry has filtered down from them and the Kailis Family efforts with their R&D. (my respects to the other Australian farmers that have also contributed over the last fifty odd years).

Caitlin, they have big boats alright. The way they operate requires it. They are not only after the Arab and Texan market but all who are financially placed for the best of what life has.

This is an Ethical issue and I do not wish to go down this path on the Pearl-Guide. If you have a South Sea Pearl you purchased or was given you as a gift from a Pearl Trader/Jeweller, there's a possability that it came from Paspaley's or Kailis. You see the very best are reserved for the "Brand" and very large numbers that don't make their "Brand Grade" are sold on unbranded. Then they are sold on , then sold on then sold on until finally a Jeweller or trader meets you.

Word has it Paspaley are cutting back production and Kailis have ceased production. There are several share trader groups that try to replicate Paspaley and Kailis, I wish them well. I personally don't like the concept of using other peoples money to try to cash in on Pearls for the sake of cash. I have witnessed the hardship of friends being duped by such people.

From our 2011 harvest from virgin shell, our best A grade round was 14.2mm. Bron and I are very proud of this feat but, one pearl into a strand does not make a strand of big pearls.

The point I'm trying to make is, we love producing a small amount of pearls, now that Kailis has ceased production, if Paspaley fail their will be more jewellery shops around the world with lovelly displays of fresh water pearls and no sign of the magnificent gems of the ocean.

Furthermore, in Australia we had and still to a degree have a culture of working for a living. Our position as a western country with a high dollar value requires a large portion of operational cost going to the absolutely necessary workers. Some of the competition run farms in countries that are not as "well off" as Australia so they don't have the operational costs of the Australian Farmer. You be the judge.

I wish no offence to anyone. As said before, I know no Paspaley's, regardless of your financial clout, if you love pearls, you must admire South Sea Pearls and in so doing try to appreciate what Paspaley's and Kailis have done through their own sweat and toil from the beginning up until now to both create and develop this great Industry that IS THE SOUTH SEA PEARL.

Good night and I will make no further comment on this thread.
The more successful Paspaley is the better I like it. The more they get for their pearls the better I like it. In the end they are pearl farmers. They have taken all the risks every farmer has faced and have come out in a very good place do to a lot of very good decisions. I say give them the credit they are due. If I ran the company would I do a couple of things different? Probably. But how many of us would have made all the right decisions that have put them in the place they are, and how easy is it to look at a successful company from the outside and second guess them? From everything I see Nick and the people around him have built something that less then a half a percentage of people in the world could come close to. You don't have to like their designs, their prices, their fleet, their PR, whatever. If you don't respect what they have built and maintain you are probably just a little bit jealous.

Now if you want to complain about a big company lets talk APPLE. I hate those guys ;)
The more successful Paspaley is the better I like it. The more they get for their pearls the better I like it. In the end they are pearl farmers. They have taken all the risks every farmer has faced and have come out in a very good place do to a lot of very good decisions. I say give them the credit they are due. ....... If you don't respect what they have built and maintain you are probably just a little bit jealous.

Now if you want to complain about a big company lets talk APPLE. I hate those guys ;)

LOL! I am not jealous of Paspaley -or Mitt Romney! I don't have to respect the hugeness of either of their operations either, or the way either does business.

I never made a comment on Paspaley pearl quality, only that they are way overpriced because of the way they do business. The Paspaley business is built on the beauty and size of quality SS pearls, but they have an added component of pretentiousness which I find to be mostly - hot air and extra $$$.

I am just guessing that people like Jeremy can't source Paspaley pearls for their own businesses at a decent price point, but must turn to other sources who produce quality SS pearls without all the hype and at a lower cost of production, so he can still undersell Paspaley at the equivalent quality level. Now that is what I think deserves respect! Someone who makes it possible for women to wear fabulous South Sea Pearls at honest prices. With an honest price, all the pearls will lack, is the Paspaley brand name.

Of course, everyone here knows I feel the same about the Mikimoto Brand too. I feel the same about many other brands too. Brands like these two pearl brands go way beyond selling quality into selling eliteness as a positive value. It just curls my toes, not to mention, my lip. Even if they have a trustworthy product.
Kailis sold out of farming some time ago but they still do deal in pearls.
Kailis - as far as I know is now a subsidiary brand of the Pas, with their own design team. Could be wrong...

Paspaley - Mikeyy and R&B I agree completely - one has to admire the fact that they have built an amazing empire from very humble beginnings. Their pearls are amazing, we all know that, but without companies like Paspaley leading the way on the marketing, the entire pearl industry simply wouldn't be what it is today. Effective marketing benefits not just those who are doing the marketing (increasing market share), but all competitors with similar products (increasing market penetration).
Without their research and development, the quality of SS pearls everywhere would be less than what it is today. Here in Aus, they are a highly respected, privately owned business, with fingers in far more pies than just pearling!

Oh, and thank you Pattye/Nora for the link - the site is beautiful. Love the 5 virtues...