P. Paradise special

Two together - how glamorous!!! And the ring is perfect. I can see them worn with a 1940s silver bias-cut silk gown! ;)
Olga, your ring is breathless! So much glamour on one little finger. The bracelets do add to the look--it is clear you are a woman who loves her pearls! :)

Thanks for sharing!

Love the bracelets and the ring together! I resisted the December special. Am holding out for other lovelies.:D But, it's hard, now that I've seen yours!
Thanks everybody for support!
In fact the ring by itself was less interesting than together with the bracelets. When I bought it (because it is a bit more challenging that what I saw before), I got an ironic giggle from my family (too excuberant for the Dutch taste). So I was almost sure it was a wrong choice.

But after the two bracelets arrived it was one unanimous 'O-o-oh!':)

Here is the ring (it is so nicely heavy!):


Hi Olga,

Just lovely! Thanks for the photos! Those two bracelets together really make a "pearlie" statement!

so many pearls, so little time
Wow! What a killer! How do you lift your arm? Hubby should be very proud to adorn you in such bling!
Well, phooey, while I was gazing at the blue akoyas for $230., (first two smaller sizes already sold out!) wondering if I should weaken and temporarily give up saving for my next acquisition, they sold out before my very eyes. O.k., I guess that settles that - decision made. Never had too long to torture myself.