Online pearl retailers referencing system


thou shall read the book
Oct 24, 2005
Hi all,

not a pearling industry news thread per se, but rather addressed to online pearl retailers.

I was wondering what referencing system you were using for your inventory, and why? (and what you would change if given the opportunity).

I am working on my own system, and looking for advice.

Do you mean coding for each SKU? If so, welcome to my nightmare (which I think I might have solved...).
Yes. I think there are two major ways of doing it: you either use an arbitrary system where the item cannot be guessed from the reference (ex: 78765443) or you use a system where you can deduce the product from the reference (ex: NEJPW065-45). And everything in between (ex: FWN200).

Also, do you try to match your supplier's reference system when possible or do you use a complete different system?